A/F - Air/Fuel (mixture)
A/T - Automatic Transmission
ABS - Anti-lock Braking System
AFM - Air Flow Meter
ALDL - Assembly Line Diagnostic Link (a GM thing)
AVC - Automatic Valve Controller
BCC - Boost Cut Controller (GReddy FCD)
BHG - Blown Head gasket
BOV - Blow Off Valve
BPUD© - Basic Performance Upgrades Done
BTDC - Below Top Dead Center
CPS - Cam Position Sensor
DP - Down pipe
EBC - Electronic Boost Controller
ECT - Electronically Controlled Transmission
ECU - Electronic Control Unit, (a.k.a. TCCS or engine computer)
EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection
EGR - Exhaust Gas Return (Valve)
EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency (USA)
ET - Elapsed Time
EVC - Electronic Valve Controller (HKS' EBC)
FCD - Fuel Cut Defencer (HKS)
FCO - Fuel Cut Off
FCON - Fuel CONtroller
FFCD - Free Fuel Cut Defencer (mkiv term for their cheap, but effective mod)
FIPK - Filter Injected Performance Kit (K&N)
FPR - Fuel Pressure Regulator
HG - Head gasket
HKS - a company that makes high performance equipment for imports
HP - Horsepower
IC - Intercooler
JMBC - Jeff (Montigny) Manual Boost Controller
LSD - Limited Slip Differential
MAF - Mass Air Flow
MBC - Manual Boost Controller
MHG - Metal Head gasket
MkI, MkII, MkIII, MkIV - Mark 1, Mark 2, Mark 3, Mark 4
MSRP - Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
MTL - Manual Transmission Lubrication (Tranny Oil)
NA - Normally Aspirated
ND - Nippon Denso
O/D - Overdrive
OBD II - On Board Diagnostic II (an emission standard set by the EPA)
OTB - Overtake Boost (button found on the Greddy Profec-B)
PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PP - Pressure Plate
Profec-B - (PROFessional Electronically Controlled - Boost?) (GReddy's EBC)
PSSEBC - Pete Sterling Semi-Electronic Boost Controller
Rebic - Additional Injector Controller - independent of the car's ECU (GReddy)
RT - Reaction Time
RWHP - Rear Wheel Horsepower
SDF - Super "Dirt" Flow - a spoof on HKS' SMF air filter
SMF - Super Mega Flow - HKS' mushroom type air filter
SST - Special Service Tool
ST - Suspension Techniques
T/O - Throw Out (bearing)
TB - Throttle Body
TCCS - Toyota's Computer Controlled System, (a.k.a. the ECU or engine computer)
TDS - Theft Deterrent System
TDSE - Theft Deterrent System (Expanded?)
TEMS - Toyota Electronically Modulated Suspension
TNA - Turbo'ed Normally Aspirated car
TPS - Throttle Position Sensor
TRD - Toyota Racing Development
TSB - Technical Service Bulletin
TSRM - Technical (Toyota) Service Repair Manual
TT - Twin Turbo
VBC - Variable Boost Controller
Vf - A diagnostic line on the TCCS for EFI status
VPC - Vein Pressure Converter
VSV - Vacuum Switching Valve
VVT-i - Variable Valve Timing - intelligent
WOT - Wide Open Throttle
from SF