

I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
not exactly...

Has a lot to do with age, I used to be the uber nice guy, but as I've gotten older, I've become a bit more harsh. There is a difference between being nice, and being a pushover. Learn that difference and you'll be a lot better off.

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
yes exactly. you dont want bad shit to happen to you? dont let it happen, make the necessary changes and tweaks to disallow these "unfortunate" events to come upon.

as youve gotten older, youve made those changes.

i dislike the "as ive gotten older" comment....whats it opposed to? as Ive gotten younger?

psh, anyways, its beacuse you allow it to happen.

and yes..once again.



Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Eh. Bad stuff happens... better to the good guys because they generally won't take it out on everyone else.

What I've been finding out in life is that... there are so many negative people out there, that the hardest thing in life is staying positive yourself. Even if everyone around you isn't like you... never give in...

Anyway that probably has nothing to do with the OP.. but I'll rant in the life thread too.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
bridg3r;1001477 said:
why does bad shit allways happen to the good guys

Because 'good' guys stand around and take it, then spend time whining about it.

You don't have to be a 'bad guy', or an asshole, to protect yourself... you just have to have some sense, and keep your head about you.

You don't need to give help to everyone that asks... help the people you trust to any extent you possibly can. Those you don't trust, give them the bare minimum until they prove you can trust them. Don't let your guard down around those you don't trust, and never turn your perverbial back on them. Don't lend them stuff you want back, don't leave them around vulnerable people you seek to protect... you will get burned, it's only a matter of time.

A guy you know needs a place to sleep cuz he's in a bad way... and you don't trust him or he's a shady character? Too bad, guess he should have planned ahead. Welcoming shady characters and question marks, like that, into your home is potentially very bad news.

You don't have to be a jerk to watch your own ass... just say things like "Naw man, sorry... can't do it, gotta help my mom put up window shutters that day." Or some shit like that.

Don't stand around and be a leaning post for people who don't deserve it. Someone's taking advantage of you, tell them to take a long walk off a short peir, play in traffic, whatever suits their fancy. It's your life, live it how you choose. Your strength of character will define whether you get stuck in a rut or not.

I know plenty of people that are stuck in shitty situations... their lack of forsight got them there, and lack of will to do something about it keeps them there. I refuse to help anyone who won't help themselves first... I've wasted plenty of time in the past doing the opposite of that, and I learned much from the experience.

You don't have to be a "bad guy" to avoid shit happening, you just can't open your heart, wallet, and honour, respect, home, to just anyone. After you meet and know enough people, you can develop a 'sense' of people you can trust and people you can't. The first sign is the handshake... learn to give a solid handshake. I've found that a vast majority of 'bad' people I don't trust give really, really horrible handshakes: Like a wetnoodle on a fishing line. Translation: Body language says alot about people. Learn to read it.

Man the fuck up. Because if you don't, no one will do it for you.