If someone breaks into your residence (renting) via a window with a faulty lock, and steals something, is your landlord at all responsible for it?
supraman7mgte said:,they were more than likley youts.
Doward said:LOL, I'm going to contact Bosshardt about the lock situation when they open this morning, and see about them installing bars on the windows.
This is BS - but I think it will be kind of interesting. I work on practically everybody's car in the neighborhood, so about 75% of the people here know me on sight. I'm going to have everyone keep an eye out for a kid with a new xbox360. In the meantime, I'll probably pick up another from Best Buy with a warranty, and return it if I get my previous one back.
It just pisses me off that someone has the audacity to come into my house like that. It seriously makes me think I should take a gun safety course, and start worrying a little more about home security. :3d_frown: