Leaky injector?


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
I've got the car off the road for the winter but I've been starting it up every week to clear out any moisture/condensation that has built up in the crankcase/exhaust. Lately I've just noticed that it has puffed a bit of smoke and smelt REALLY rich on initial startup, but clears up within 10 seconds. The valve seals are brand new (did a rebuild very recently) and it hasn't been burning any oil, so my assumption would be that puff of smoke is gas and I might have a leaky injector.

Question is first does that logic sound right? Second is should I keep starting it under those sort of conditions? And finally third, I was planning on insuring the car for the weekend (seeing as it's going to be nice out) and driving it probably about 150km/100mi over the weekend so I can turn the gears, get oil around the diff, and enjoy my car just a little bit more before winter really sets in. Is that a wise idea at all?

I've got a buddy who works at an injector shop that has told me he can get them all tested for free, I'd just have to pay to rebuild any bad ones if that were necessary. I'll definitely be taking him up on that offer over the winter time too. To take the fuel rail off, how much intake stuff do I have to worry about removing?


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
How long has it been sitting? What color smoke? If it has been a while, the moisture will smoke white, other wise it could be burning coolant? I don't think it would hurt to drive it once, just to see see how it's running, I wouldn't push it too hard.


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
It's not coolant, that's why I did the rebuild ;). Not burning oil, and not losing coolant. It's been started once a week for approximately 45 minutes (idle) since it was parked a month ago.


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Well if you are almost sure it is a injector than I would wait to drive it, cylinder wash is not a good thing! If you can get the injectors tested for free, then that would be my next thing to do.


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
Poodles;1462883 said:
idling for long periods of time :3d_frown:

How else should I clear out moisture and whatnot? Or should I just disconnect the battery and not worry about it at all? I've been trying to find a place under cover or in a garage or something but haven't had any opportunities. Any other ideas on how to keep my car through the winter so it doesn't rot where it stands?

As for the other stuff, I've talked with a couple friends and mechanicy types and they've said that I'm being overly paranoid and that I shouldn't worry. I'll pick up insurance a day earlier than originally planned and drive it for the day, if I notice anything funny with how it's running under normal conditions I'll pull it off and drive the beater. I'll still get the injectors tested over the winter though because hey, why not if I can do it free? Might find that they could use cleaning and get it running just that little bit smoother :).


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
Awesome! Thanks a ton for that link Poodles. After this weekend done and done :)

On just a curious side note, what is bad about idling the engine like that?


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Lots of wear and tear as it's taking longer to warm up. Also, just like short trips, it's not good for many things (oil doesn't burn off condensation or fuel, condensation builds up in exhaust causing rust, ect).