suprabad said:
BECAUSE I WANT TO. What's the big deal?
Do you think as an administrator you should be criticizing people (in writing, and for everyone to view) for an innocuos habit.
Terrible sorry, Doctor Internet etiquette.
How am I hurting anyone? Oh and by the way, I noticed you didn't address my question. But thanks for trying to derail this thread (I can't imagine why else you would go off topic to berate me).
I can feel the love! Thanks for making me feel welcome.
Generally speaking, I inform people when I make any changes to their posts, because I don't think you should have your posted edited by moderators or administrators without being notified. It's not a good feeling.
I just asked a question, because I was curious. Generally speaking, when you use all-caps, it makes it look like you're yelling at everyone, and it looks out of place in the thread listing, so I like to make sure people don't misunderstand other people with thread titles that look like they're yelling at everyone.
Oh, and by the way, I did address your question to the best of my knowledge with relevant information. I don't know anything about rebuilding the seatbelts, but what I do know about is what is available from Toyota, so I provided that information.
How about you take a step back and look at what you just said, then I'd suggest an apology is in order in the next few posts here.
Now... back to the subject at hand.