Just read... and watch..


Feb 8, 2006
Kentucky (NKY)
What a beautiful day in Northern kentucky. Me and a friend were out cruising, went to eat, then we went to cruise the mall strip. We ended up in a parking lot in front of a krogers, with about 12 scion xb's or whatever (the ugly boxes). I did some awesome burn outs and dough nuts, then we sat and b/s'd with the scion kiddies for like 3-6 minutes. Then as we got back onto the mall strip (mall road) Their was 2 guys in a C6 corvette. Well I turned left in the lane beside him, I was like a half car length from a car ahead. He went WOT for like a second and pulled almost a car length ahead in next lane(i'm still on a cars ass in traffic. Then he caught traffic and my lane was moving i gestured for him to come on to HWY 18 so he got behind me we had green light, we turned right on 18, (my friend in a 97 prelude 5 PSI boost was following us with his cell phone to record since he forget the video camera. the vette was behind and came up to my side i stuck my arm out as we steadied (very quickly) and then we were off (40mph roll i was in 3rd) I pulled ahead hard on him then when I hit 4th he started to pull hard, when he caught up right beside me, him and his passenger both gave thumbs up and then started over to the turning lane. Then me and my friend cruise on up side by side I was trying to ask my friend if he wanted to go to my house or keep cruising. (I kinda move my hands when I talk to a car next to me (like sheraids or however you spell it) He thought I wanted to race LOL so he downshifted from 5t to thrid so (in 4th) I WOT to catch up then he pointed to his radar and we slowed (I didn't even hit 60mph he was doing maybe 75) and we were back in traffic at a light we got in the left turning lane to get on I-75 and at the red light, I see in my rear view a guy walking up to my car (he had gotten out of the gold saturn behind us). With his hands down he was right beside the door (had my targa off and windows down) and he said put it in park, I said its in neutral, whats your problem, he pulled out a badge and said give me your license, So I did then a cop in unifrom and cop car blocked us off from the front with blue lights, then they escorted us to a parking lot out of traffic. Then 2 more cops in uniform and cars showed up and then left quickly. After waiting for like 15 mins. on the officer to come back, he came back with a citation and said to my friend "I cited you for racing", then me and said in an aggesive voice (assholISH) "I cited you for racing ANNDD reckless driving." I said oh so I guess the supra is more reckless doing 55mph then he said no it's for the doughnuts. I was stunned.... to say the least. The mall parking lot was like 5-6 miles away. He had to have followed us from there and we sat there with 'scion people' for like 5 mins and I know he had to see me race that vette. Anyway here is the video I put together.(My first ever edited one, I used windows movie maker)

Sorry the honda didn't keep up enough to get closer footage.
(I couldn't get it uploaded to the Supra Video section, which it's a small video, sucks my friend accientally deleted the burnout/dougnuts. My tired have only 500 miles on them, can't tell after today.)

"Edited" Video:

Better Quality than cell phone Video(.AVI):

Original Cell Phone Video:


Feb 8, 2006
Kentucky (NKY)
lol yea the kit is cracked all around too, i fixed his front bumper today you could pull it almost all the way off before. and I 2nd COPS SUCK! Thanks for the compliment too, I started cleaning up the hatch area today luckily it never took in to much water before I got it, was rusty though mostly surface in the spare tire area. My wife is a paralegal and my cousin is a prosecuter and they both think I can get them both dropped. No radar, No video, and cops can't follow you more than 1 mi. on highway and pull you over for something that happened in an 1/8 of that mile and in city 3 blocks, was like 5 miles away from 'first' offense. If I lose my license you can expect to see my supra get alot of work done =]
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New Member
Oct 23, 2005
Northern Cali
I 3rd cops suck..man do they suck. The cop in the saturn was probably off duty...I didn't know they could pull you over when they were off duty..man I gotta be more careful. Nice video and nice car.


Feb 8, 2006
Kentucky (NKY)
sorry, was trying to put the thread up quick was like 3am when i finished the my frist video. Yea I don't know about the off duty thing, I do know he had a female passenger with him. I think the radar detector went off because of the sliding doors in the stores we came up to, don't tink the cop had radar, didn't see any units and he didn't write any speeds down.