I've actually had my car for close to a month now, but it's been in the shop getting put back the way it needs to be.
It had a broken motor mount and this big power steering fluid hose needed to be replaced.
im worried because this car has 120k miles on it, and had a broken motor mount.
Does this mean that the previous owner drove it too hard. I hope the hg isn't going to blow on me thats my biggest fear. Also it's an auto tranny, and when it shifts it shifts really hard, is that normal... i hope so. i cant afford to replace that.
I've actually had my car for close to a month now, but it's been in the shop getting put back the way it needs to be.
It had a broken motor mount and this big power steering fluid hose needed to be replaced.
im worried because this car has 120k miles on it, and had a broken motor mount.
Does this mean that the previous owner drove it too hard. I hope the hg isn't going to blow on me thats my biggest fear. Also it's an auto tranny, and when it shifts it shifts really hard, is that normal... i hope so. i cant afford to replace that.