Just checking in


New Member
Oct 9, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
How's it going guys and gals?
It's been a while since I last posted anything.

Just want to update you guys on my beloved JZA70.

I fired her up and brought her out of storage the other day for the first time since September with amazing results. Most of these results I have to thank you guys for on here.

Thanking you guys for things I've learned, like using NGK Copper BKR6E / BRK7E instead of iridium, using German Castrol 0W-30 (Jdub, I see why you love this stuff), using correct driveline & misc. fluids, and just overall maintenance tips.

I'll post up some video's and recent photo's afterwards when I've got some time.

But once again, thanks to the input of the SM community, my baby runs better than ever.

Thanks guys!