it finaly happend


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
i finaly have a major problume with my car tonight at about 1000 i was heding down to the bar from my house i get to the bottem of the hill and bam driver's side drops like3 inch and makes a grinding soundand i stop dead in the middle of the farly busy intersection.

now before i get out im thinking blown tire no big ill have it fix in like 10 min.

um no. not that easy

my tire is nice and inflated but my tierod end/lower A arm (not sure which yet to dam dark) is right down scraping the ground and my tire is restting on the tire well.

ah fuck

i have just the stuff i need to change a tire and thats it. its -15C outside and im wearing my clubing stuff (ie. leather jacket, desiner blue jeans, and a long sleeve t-shirt) needless to say i was dam fucking cold. so i wipe out my trusty cell phone and call my perants and tell them to bring a jack to i can jack the car up and take a look.

about 10 min later they show up with a jacket with my jack no were in sight.

anyway long story shorter I have a heated convo with my perents about bring my jacket not a jack. Just Before they had got there i had phoned BCAA to get my car towed up to my place so in the moring i can look at it. Now because im sitting in the middle of an intersection blocking traffic you think it would be a high prioridy to get it outta the way. wrong 30 min goes buy nadda, 40 nothin
at aroung an hour or so a cop shows up. Now im thinking good i can use this guy to get me outta here fast as he call the dispature and tells this guy to get the fuck over here now. so I go and sit back in my car. well the cop didnt like this at all he figured if i got hit because its a sports car I'ld killed . ok fine W/E so i talk to the cop a bit then he heads over to his truck and goes and sits inside. so any way im sitting there frezzing my ass of by this time its about -20 outside and i remeber the jacket my mom brought(funny how shit like that happens eh) so im sitting the fair cold but not frezzing and had to wait another 20 just for the dam tow truck driver just to show up.

need less to say i had a lot to drink that night when i finally did make it to the bar
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shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
sorry... but LMAO!

"mom, i need you to bring me my jack"
"ok, i'll be there in a minute"
::gets there, pulls out your jacket::
"mom, what the FUCK!!?! I said JACK!"
"oh... sorry."

and also, I don't know what this says:
silent_sniper said:
so i say find W/E so i talk to the cop abit then he J/.to br ontinude my acomplicover bad the cop didnt want me to 20 min goes by and he finally shows up
its now around 1110 and about -20.


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
lol yah i was really tired and farily drunk when i wrote that as for whats wrong im pretty sure the tie rod and some how un bolted its self from the tire i dont know for sure as its to dam cold out right now to work on it but ill get pics as so as i can im also going to spell cheak my first post


Arizona Performance
Nov 14, 2005
Mesa, AZ
I always thought that the lower ball joint in MKIII's was a poor design. Mine is loose too. If I do a slalom type of manuver I can hear the play in mine too. I hope its your bolts and that the ball didnt pull out of the socket.

Either way if youy didnt dammage anything else it should be a realtively cheep fix. Probably less than the tow truck, I may be out of touch with garage prices because I do everything on my cars, so garage prices are alway way more than I expect, when people tell me their stories.


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
lol i think BCAA tows r free someone corect me if im wrong

ill be fixing it myself anyway im just waiting for it to warm up


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I had a similair story in my 73 Celica. The two bolts on the bottom of the strut (that hold it one the lower control arm) magically fell out one day when I was going around a corner. The entire left front suspension twisted clockwise 90 degrees, so the side of the wheel was facing forward and was pushed back up under the fender. This happened in the middle of an intersection in the middle of Albuquerque. Not good.

It was actually an easy fix once I had the right tools. but it sucked for a while.


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
yah thank god i took a quick look at it and my theroy was confermed the tierod has come off. i dont know how its sapost to go on but in deffintly didnt brake off. im gonna read my TSRM tonight. as for the wheel well nothing i wasnt going fast enought to do and damage. will post pics tommorow


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Do you have what you need to fix it? Did something break or did some bolts just come out? I have a clip in my yard if you need something. Let me


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
haha you really want to get rid of that clip dont you lol it looks like it just came up bolted i might have to get the nut that holds the tirrod on (if such a thing exits like i said i have to look at the TSRM to see how it all goes together


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
silent_sniper said:
haha you really want to get rid of that clip dont you lol it looks like it just came up bolted i might have to get the nut that holds the tirrod on (if such a thing exits like i said i have to look at the TSRM to see how it all goes together

Not really, but if you needed something off of it, I was going to give it to you. I promised my neighbor he could have it for scrap metal when I got through with everything. I just wanted to make sure you didn't need something off of it first. Glad you didn't break


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
^ i hope it dose look like it but i looked at it at 6 in the moring when it was -6 out so i wasnt to thural im going to atculy get under it and look at every thing tommorow and ill let yah know if i need anythinf thax:icon_bigg


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
mk i need the bolt that holds the tierod on and the retaining pin can some on give me the size for that bolt i cant find it any were.

ild like to get her on the road today or tommorow