bigboost7m said:
I checked the coolant temp at the radiator using a temperature gauge after driving my car really hard for about a half hour and it was at only 136 degrees!
Thats not good. Your engine is designed to run at a certain temp, your running your engine too cold. Not to mention that a thermostat helps create pressure in your cooling system. You need that pressure to help move the coolant, otherwise it will just sit near the cylinders for too long and over heat. Plus, lower pressure loweres the boiling point of the fluid, making it cabable of holding less heat.
I have never heard of racetracks prefeering no anitfreeze, but if that is the case then its probably because the glycol ( IIRC thats what it's called ) will make the track more slippery than just the watter incase of cooling system failure.
mark3some said:
i dont know why you would ever want less coolant than 50 50 especially when manufacturers recomend at least a 50-50 mix...i guess more cooling because more water makes sense but i dont know if i even believe water cools better than COOLANT...honestly ive had great luck with all my cars when i switched from the green stuff to global peak coolant.......
87-7MGTE and 3p141592654 already stated why you would want to run less
anti-freeze. Its called coolant because of its function, not because its the best substance for the job. You could put melted ice cream in and call it coolant but there would still be a better choice as far as heat transfer goes. If antifreeze where better than watter, the Toyota would reccomend 100% anit-freeze.
A 30/70 mix is pretty standard, it always works with no bad side effects. If you live someplace where water freezes in the winter stick to the 50/50.