88 7MGTE Automatic-Just finished putting new head-gasket and valve seals on. Replaced every gasket and seal in between. Ive put about 500 miles on the car since doing the job. The car starts fine when cold(even down to under 30 degrees) and will idle fine for 45 seconds to a minute but then will start to miss, more and more as the idle slowly drops. The amount of miss is randomly timed and how strong of a miss is random too. Some misses will just be a quick blurp that you can only see by watching the tach, others will be so strong the motor almost stalls out. The misses will get more frequent until the car is completely warmed up. Then they stay consistent, no more than 15, but no less than 2 misses per 10 seconds. The engine revs smooth and quick, but once you hold an rpm it instantly starts to miss again. Ive held it as high as 5k and still same conditions. If you try and start it after its been driven or warmed up, probably 3 out of every 10 starts it'll start then die instantly. And wont start until you give it gas. Like hold 25% throttle while cranking then itll fire instantly and rev to 2k, let off the gas and it'll drop to idle and start missing. While driving it wont miss if there is load, I.E. hills, accelerating, sitting in drive or reverse with the brake on. But once your cruising or coasting it starts missing instantly. Only the misses are less frequent while driving, about 2 to 4 every ten seconds. After accelerating up to speed like getting on the highway or pulling onto a street after you let of the gas and start cruise many times it'll run smoothly for about 10 seconds, but then start missing again. Ive ran 2 tanks of gas through the car(always ran chevron premium since car was new) and the conditions haven't improved or worsened.
Diag: There are no codes, the cel is never on. Only once did it flash for a quick second while the car almost died. Ive checked every vacuum hose I can touch, Ive sprayed throttle/carb cleaner around the manifolds and all hoses, with no change in the rpms. There is a slight amount of oil in the front two spark plug holes(less than a bottle cap full). I cant hear or feel any vacuum leaks either. The car never smokes and boosts strong. It did not miss before I removed the cylinder head. I have searched many times on SM and still haven't found anything quite like my situation. Thank you all for your help.
Diag: There are no codes, the cel is never on. Only once did it flash for a quick second while the car almost died. Ive checked every vacuum hose I can touch, Ive sprayed throttle/carb cleaner around the manifolds and all hoses, with no change in the rpms. There is a slight amount of oil in the front two spark plug holes(less than a bottle cap full). I cant hear or feel any vacuum leaks either. The car never smokes and boosts strong. It did not miss before I removed the cylinder head. I have searched many times on SM and still haven't found anything quite like my situation. Thank you all for your help.