Im trying to buy a mk3 supra throwing the KS code


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
so im looking to buy another supra i found one . its throwing code 52 and 51 i know 52 is the knock sensor and i figured it was that because its only boosting at 4-5 lbs but what i am wondering should i get it or should i just keep looking for a different one
Thank You for the help


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
Those codes are quite common. Asking some people on here about getting a car with just those two codes and no info about the car itself is rather...well.....noob. If you ask anyone they would never get a car with only knowing those codes. No info on the miles, motor, upgrades, broken stuff, if the HG was changed ( if 7M ) who did the work, year, interior....see where I am going with this? Would have been a better start on this thread if you had started off with some basics about the car and then came out with there are codes 51, and 52. I would say for a good answer to your question, answer the above questions, and then a few more people may chime in.


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
Well it has about 168k miles idk who personally did the work on it its an 88i believe it has a chip in the ecu don't know where it redlines at but I took it to about 7.2 rpm interior is in good condition no leaks on it ans I'm not sure about the HG


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
Well they said it has a denim performance chip looked up information on it couldn't find any and only a little when you open the hatch has minimal rust on the hatch and they what 1850 for it


Turbo Swapper
Aug 9, 2007
7M-GTE ECU is very hard to chip. You basically have to replace the ECU. That hasn't stopped people from selling chips of course, but they're pretty much limited to doing things like fooling the ECU into timing advance/fuel enrichment for thinking that the engine is still cold and the like.

The best answer that I can give to your question would be to rephrase the question as this:

If I found a Supra that I liked, which was in overall good condition for the money, would a code 51/52 prevent me from buying a car that I'd otherwise jump on?

In which case, for me, the answer would be "No."

I'll qualify that by saying that the idea of re-wiring a knock sensor does not seem to me to be a particularly difficult job, though it would be an annoying one, and I would take the annoyance factor out of what I'd be willing to pay for the car. There's also the possibility that the non-functional knock sensor is hiding a more serious problem, though there would most likely be other symptoms if it had caused damage. I would definitely look close.

The "chipped" ECU is actually something that I'd worry more about.

Still, around here, $1850 for a straight chassis with no problem rust is something that I'd consider buying. If rust is less of a problem where you are, you may have a more abundant supply, making it worth less cash.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
+1 to the above poster. Codes 51, 52 is not a major problem. But if the knock sensor is kicking codes, then there could be an underlying problem. I would ask the seller to get a compression test, and show you the results. At the very least do one in front of you. This way you would know the HG is good at the very least. If the car is in good shape, and it is something that you are really wanting to get, then don't be afraid to get it. If it is a good straight shell it could very well be worth the money. I would try and bring the price down a bit though. Unless it is running with no codes.... I would be willing to hand over possibly 1500. The last one that I bought didn't run, and had a ton of upgraded stuff on it. I paid $500 for it. Zero rust, and only 2 quarter size dents.
I will be near Pensacola FL for 2 weeks, starting the 31st. Would love to see it.


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
Okay thank you guys I appreciate the info I will let the seller know that I want a compression test done because I mean it runs fine and drives wonderful idles good too and the only thing is its not boosting and its full potential oh and when I went to see it The first time I took it to about 4 or 5 rpm and shifted it quick to second and it buckled


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
I thought stock boost is 8 psi the one I had before was boosting at 8 ... okay I found another one its blue he says he paid over 3 grand in repairs to the engine electronics a/c interior is good is t-top new rims and exhaust he's asking 3500


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
has BRAND NEW fulcon racing tiers, over $3,000 in repairs to the engine, electronics, air conditioning ect. it currently has 163,000 miles but body and interior is near perfect! leather interior, new power steering,power windows, tinted windows, power seats, and all the bells and whistles you can think of putting in a sports car and it all works without problems! Also has custom racing rims and exhaust. Has a removable targa top


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Fulcon tiers? Oh! Falken tires.
And I've never heard of a Denim chip. He might have been trying to say Dinan chip. Which isn't for Toyota's, so I imagine he's lying.
This other car sounds interesting, though.