I was getting a code 51, the idle was at like 1500 and when cruzing it would idle at like 2000-2500. When I would get on it kinda hard then push in the clutch it would die.
Well I checked the TPS, Bad
New one came today I put it on and reset the ECU
Idle is where it should be when I was cruzing it was still idling at 750 and not accelerating like it was,(put it in 5th and it would do 50-60 without me pushing the pedal)
Well I got on it and pushed in the clutch it went down to about 300rpms and the check engine like came on then it idled up and was just fine. I got on it agian and this time it just died.
When I got home I checked the codes, no codes showed up.
I checked the ISC and its clicking.
What should I check\replace now?
Well I checked the TPS, Bad
New one came today I put it on and reset the ECU
Idle is where it should be when I was cruzing it was still idling at 750 and not accelerating like it was,(put it in 5th and it would do 50-60 without me pushing the pedal)
Well I got on it and pushed in the clutch it went down to about 300rpms and the check engine like came on then it idled up and was just fine. I got on it agian and this time it just died.
When I got home I checked the codes, no codes showed up.
I checked the ISC and its clicking.
What should I check\replace now?