Well, for those who Know ive been going through a lot lately and ive been tryina to get my life back on track.
Well finally ive got some light shined onto my life.
In November i was arbitrarily and WRONGLY Accused of 2 counts of FELONY GRAND LARCONEY.
Of amounts of 10000 dollars cash and checks.
Of course for those who know me, you know that i would never do something of that manner.
Well i was charged in NOVEMBER, then i was "released" from my job at GEICO on DECEMBER 21 2oo5, i was upset and angry.
So far i have been on UNPAYED LEAVE of absence, and thus I WAS not payed and lost 4538.62 in PAY and salary, ive been out of work for 2 months now becuase of this incident.
Well i becuase of this, I have been humiliated in front of my FAMILY, my FRIENDS, and my co workers, and i lost alot of trust from many of my superiors, all because of a false accusation. This humilation has made me feel like crap and was hard to live everyday knowing that others around me see me as a thef and criminal when in fact i am not. its the worst feeling ever.
Becuase these were two counts of felony charges, if found guity i would serve a minumum of 1 year in prison, and i would pay restitution(pay them back for the loss-10000).
My life has been hell but ive been trying to get back on track, well TODAY MARCH 1st, 2006 would be my 3rd TRIAL.
Yes thats right ive had 3 trials so far and theyve been continued because it is a serious matter, and that this would determine my future.
Well today, on March 1st 2005 at the VA BEACH CITY COURTS, after a final 5 HOURS of rebuttle and cross examintation between opposing counsel and my Representative, and after 30 minutes of waiting outside, I was called back into the court room to stand before the judge as she read my verdict.
"...becuase there was not evidence to prove all matters in the incident of loss, to beyond a resonable doubt, AND i ssee that there is much more resonable doubt than that of questionable guilt, and since the PROSECUTION and plaintiff does not have corresponding evidence and statements. I dont think he is guilty and i think that you have wasted my time as well as his so I judge______, of Virginia beach city municpal courts,Find the defendant Not guilty and dismissed on both counts of FELONY GRAND larconey."
This has been the most Tense and scariest 5 hours OF my LIFE, and im glad it ended the way it did, becuase i would not know what to do with me life.
Besides that, ive gotten another job to help pay for my lawyer, which might i add is going to be quite exspensive, - 5426.59.
So ok thats the end of my rant, thought i would share with those who care ok.
JayR Legaspi.
*side note*
I was wrongfully accused for this crime becuase i was being my self and being helpful, nice and a good sumatritan.
I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the LOSS was pinned on me.
I dont care if she was lying im just happy that ITS ALL OVER!
Well finally ive got some light shined onto my life.
In November i was arbitrarily and WRONGLY Accused of 2 counts of FELONY GRAND LARCONEY.
Of amounts of 10000 dollars cash and checks.
Of course for those who know me, you know that i would never do something of that manner.
Well i was charged in NOVEMBER, then i was "released" from my job at GEICO on DECEMBER 21 2oo5, i was upset and angry.
So far i have been on UNPAYED LEAVE of absence, and thus I WAS not payed and lost 4538.62 in PAY and salary, ive been out of work for 2 months now becuase of this incident.
Well i becuase of this, I have been humiliated in front of my FAMILY, my FRIENDS, and my co workers, and i lost alot of trust from many of my superiors, all because of a false accusation. This humilation has made me feel like crap and was hard to live everyday knowing that others around me see me as a thef and criminal when in fact i am not. its the worst feeling ever.
Becuase these were two counts of felony charges, if found guity i would serve a minumum of 1 year in prison, and i would pay restitution(pay them back for the loss-10000).
My life has been hell but ive been trying to get back on track, well TODAY MARCH 1st, 2006 would be my 3rd TRIAL.
Yes thats right ive had 3 trials so far and theyve been continued because it is a serious matter, and that this would determine my future.
Well today, on March 1st 2005 at the VA BEACH CITY COURTS, after a final 5 HOURS of rebuttle and cross examintation between opposing counsel and my Representative, and after 30 minutes of waiting outside, I was called back into the court room to stand before the judge as she read my verdict.
"...becuase there was not evidence to prove all matters in the incident of loss, to beyond a resonable doubt, AND i ssee that there is much more resonable doubt than that of questionable guilt, and since the PROSECUTION and plaintiff does not have corresponding evidence and statements. I dont think he is guilty and i think that you have wasted my time as well as his so I judge______, of Virginia beach city municpal courts,Find the defendant Not guilty and dismissed on both counts of FELONY GRAND larconey."
This has been the most Tense and scariest 5 hours OF my LIFE, and im glad it ended the way it did, becuase i would not know what to do with me life.
Besides that, ive gotten another job to help pay for my lawyer, which might i add is going to be quite exspensive, - 5426.59.
So ok thats the end of my rant, thought i would share with those who care ok.
JayR Legaspi.
*side note*
I was wrongfully accused for this crime becuase i was being my self and being helpful, nice and a good sumatritan.
I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the LOSS was pinned on me.
I dont care if she was lying im just happy that ITS ALL OVER!