IG1, B3, B2 Body plugs, Ignitor pinout.


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
Ok, so I'm pretty dang proficient at wiring and understanding electronics- but the body harness connectors are confusing me a little bit. Got a bunch of questions if you don't mind.

1) My car is an early 89. Square mounts on the crossmember, grey ECU plugs. However, some of my body harness plugs are the early "yellow" style, but dark grey in color. What gives?

2) My car is a stick, so no Transmission computer. Which means I shouldn't have a B2 plug, correct?

3) In the late 89+ connector mapping, they've got parts of IG1 going to B3 and B2. In the pre 89 mapping IG1 only goes to M1. Is this accurate?

4) Whats the grey dealy on the side of the Ignitor called? (its a 2j ignitor if that matters)

5) Anybody have a pinout for the Ignitor? or care describing which colored wires go to which pin #? Or have a detailed picture?