Well I have a very occasional light knock/tick/noise coming from the engine area that only occurs when I'm accelerating. I've never been in a car with any sort of rodknock so I don't know if this is what the beginnings of RK sounds like or if its nothing related at all. I dont know if its the engine or a loose pulley or something else.
I cannot make the sound whenever i want. It has only happened 3 times in about 3 weeks. It does not make any unusual noises at idle.
Can anyone explain to me what knocking they are referring to that is apparantly a part of normal operation?
Anyone had any sort of irregular occurance of tapping/light knocking before they had a visit from rod knock?
Thank you for any info
I cannot make the sound whenever i want. It has only happened 3 times in about 3 weeks. It does not make any unusual noises at idle.
1990 Owner's Manual - Fuel section said:If your engine knocks...
If you detect heavy knocking even when using the recommended fuel, or if you hear steady knocking while holding a steady speed on level roads, consult your Toyota dealer.
However, now and then, you may notice light knocking for a short time while accelerating or driving up hills. This is no cause for concern.
Can anyone explain to me what knocking they are referring to that is apparantly a part of normal operation?
Anyone had any sort of irregular occurance of tapping/light knocking before they had a visit from rod knock?
Thank you for any info