If you served in the US military was it a good experience or not?

In retrospect, are you glad you joined the US Military?

  • Yes, it was a good experience. I am glad joined/served.

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • No, it was not a good experience. Given a second chance, I would not join/serve.

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters


Jan 22, 2006
East Coast
Like the title states.

If you vote please post what branch you were in and why it was a good experience or why it wasn't.

(This thread isn't because I'm doubting my choice in serving. I have no doubt that I will be a better person for it. I just have some opinions about things and this poll will help.)


Sep 27, 2005
Seattle, Wa
USN, I'm still currently in the military but it has been a pretty good experience, there is a lot bureaucratic bullshit but when all is said and done its been alright


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
The first 5 years of the USAF were great. The last 4 were garbage.

The first two years are pretty much your schooling and on-the-job training. After you know most of your job and hit your stride, it becomes fun. After you prove yourself, they start giving you more and more responsibilities - this is, for some people, where it gets tricky.
Depending on what responsibilities you are given or what curve-balls you are thrown, it could help or hurt your career.
My curve ball was being given a really messed up equipment account, that I was lied to about by the previous custodian, not long before a major inspection. I also gained a new section chief [direct boss/supervisor] who was a guy whose toes I had recently stepped upon, so there were no excuses for how boned things were. I got everything straightened out very close to when I separated. During my last deployment, I started to really enjoy my job [on the flightline] again, but at that point I was so disenfranchised, there wasn't anything that could keep me in. I had very little debt, was less than "halfway" to a 20-year retirement, didn't have OR want any kids, had no nasty medical conditions between me and my wife, and besides, I was ready to be free again.

Your experience may vary, so keep an open mind.


SM Expert Thread Derailer
Mar 14, 2007
i need a 3rd option as i had a very mixed experience. I would do it again. but i would not tell someone they should do it. i spent 4 years in the marine corps. i served twice in iraq. (look up operation phantom fury) i would always protect my country. but idk i walked away with a completely different view of the military. the world. life and who i was. also DO NOT become a sniper unless you are ready for it. i was not when i went on my second tour as a sniper, and i suffered some consequences for it...that shit will break you down fast. my suggestion go into the air wing and play with helios....we need good mechs....fuckin chinooks. also if you have a family...stay away from the marines. i dont know what else to say. you made the decision so now your gonna have to live with it. good luck. and tell good ole parris isand cpl. morris says hi...


Jan 22, 2006
East Coast
tbcmorris;1254665 said:
my suggestion go into the air wing and play with helios....we need good mechs....fuckin chinooks. also if you have a family...stay away from the marines. i dont know what else to say. you made the decision so now your gonna have to live with it. good luck. and tell good ole parris isand cpl. morris says hi...

1.I'm Army so I wont see Parris Island.
2.I'm going in as a Kiowa mechanic.
3.I'm not really asking for advice, just your opinion or experience of serving.


SM Expert Thread Derailer
Mar 14, 2007
i almost joined the coast guard when i left the marines. go for it...the coast guard is very similar to going to a police academy and then working on a police force. its the most non military of the military.


Occasional Peruser
tbcmorris;1254696 said:
its the most non military of the military.

There's a reason for that -- up until 9/11, they were a part of the DOT, not a branch of the Military. I don't think they're technically military still, but they're not part of DOT anymore.

Now, with that out of the way...lol. OP -- Spent 10yrs in the Navy, and while I didn't love every minute of it (esp. my last 4 years), it was a great overall experience. It was definitely getting a little out of control 'bout my last 4 years though, and that's a big reason why I left. Too much micro-management, esp. from higher-ups that don't know WTF they're talking about, too much back-stabbing, dick-sucking, etc...I was sick of the bullshit, so I got out. Would I do it all over again? Sure. Would I go back, i.e., continue where I left off? Nope...


New Member
Apr 6, 2007
myrtle beach sc
did 13 yrs in the navy. its all relative. some people are not cut out for it at all. but most people if you can make the transition through boot. and learning how things work after you get to your first command ,you should be ok. you will always get out of it what you put in. there will always be shitty days and crappy duty assignments. but every job has the same. you will get the experience from a lifetime in a few years. it will change your world views and opinions. and will probably make you a better person in the end. and at least you get a chance to serve your country.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
I served 3 1/2 years in the Marine Corps and my feels are both negative and positive. The amount of BS and politics is rediculous. Getting screwed over several ways just because some officer or SNCO got their panties in a bunch at the same time blows. It taught me a lot of things and made me a better man while at the same time it screwed me up physically and mentally. Thanks to the Corps I now have back problems, 3 failed surgeries on my right shoulder, and bad knees. The double standards are really freaking annoying and can drive a man insane, especially if they make you an outcast like they did me. If asked again to serve I would tell them to go to hell, but I was proud for serving my country.

Lance Corporal/USMC/Medically Retired


New Member
Dec 23, 2008
Ocean Springs
Was in USN. Was young and ignorant as to what I should do with my life. I failed an advanced technical school (~2yrs education in 4 months) prior to Nuclear reactor training and became nonrated. I was smart enough to pass the entry test but unlike most other students did not have any experience with electronics. I guess electronics are taught in some high schools? Not in Mississippi. Anyway I became a non rate, put on a 50 yr old Tender in the boiler room. As I stated earlier I was ignorant, but not stupid. I did make attempts to better my situation but it seemed my superiors were content to keep me cleaning bilges and chipping paint. It was a welcomed break to do mess duty. I even voluntered, when asked, to do this one girl's tour of mess duty and was able to do it since she was fucking the chief engineer (same girl impregnated by chief engineer). I saw that as it was, my future in the military was bleak, at least for the next 4 years. So I arranged myself for an early out. Perhaps if I chose a regular technical program and passed, I would have had a happier situation. As far as my life is now, its great.


New Member
Feb 12, 2009
New Orleans, LA
Marines Corps, still in. It has it's BS days, well let's be honest, the BS can span longer that just a couple of days just like any "job". Hell i've been back from a year in Iraq for less than a month now. I did 4 yrs the first time, got for a year and the went back and have been in for 13 yrs 4 months now. I've seen places and ppl and things most can't imagine. Besides, I can retire in 6yrs and 8 months':icon_razz


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Kodiak, Alaska
i am currently serving in the US Coast Guard. I've only been in for 3 years but i must say i like life. As with any job in life there is shit that you are going to be thrown at you and you have to deal with it. But as a whole, its great. I am stationed at Air Station Kodiak, AK as an Avionics Electrical Tech on the MH-60J. Its a fun job and a great life. If you have any questions on the Coast Guard i will be glad to help you answer them.


Feb 17, 2008
Riverview, FL
Im in the Army, been in for 10 years now. I wouldnt change a thing love what I do, and the experiences I have had. I have been to all kinds of different countries worked with so many different people. You will have those times that things just dont go the way you want it but you can get that anywhere.