Hey guys I have a quick question. I finally managed to get my engine and transmission in and everything seems to be running good with the exception of an idle surge. It seams to idle normal until it warms up then it surges from about 1200 to 1800. Also if i rev the engine it will idle normal for a few seconds and then surges again. I have replaced most of the vac lines and do not seem to have any leaks. Furthermore, I have tested the AFM and TPS and both tested within specs. If I unplug the TPS the idle raises to about 2k but no longer surges (not sure if this indicates anything or not). I did check for codes and the only one I got was 43 this may be because of how I have the starter wired because I have an auto engine harness but manual ecu and body harness. Thanks in advance for any help on this matter.