Ok, heres my problem. When i try to run my washer, dryer, etc all the lights in my house flicker, and read 24-30 volts. Anything that draws a lot of power, does weird stuff to the power. Even hair dryer, toaster oven, etc. Also, my hot water heater is reading about 24 volts at the input, the water is freezing cold, and both heating elements are pegged on reading 24 volts, when it should all be 240 volts. Also when i disconnect the water heater input, or either of the heating coils, about half my power goes out. Like those christmas lights that go out when one bulb breaks. Im not sure whats wrong, But i dont know a lot about AC. I can easily fix the problem, I just dont know where to look. Any help? It really sucks having to goto friends and families houses to shower!