I need help, i just dont know.....


Got Insulin?
Nov 22, 2009
Walled Lake, MI
alright, my problem is, when i am at cruising speed and lay into the throttle the engine (for lack of words) sputters. i don't really know how to describe how it acts, bit people that have rode with me say it sounds like it's floating the valves. it gets worse when i turn the manual boost controller up to around 9psi. does anyone have any ideas what this is, or can anyone confirm the floating valves?

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
tmaxx31190;1494246 said:
alright, my problem is, when i am at cruising speed and lay into the throttle the engine (for lack of words) sputters. i don't really know how to describe how it acts, bit people that have rode with me say it sounds like it's floating the valves. it gets worse when i turn the manual boost controller up to around 9psi. does anyone have any ideas what this is, or can anyone confirm the floating valves?

Sounds like a ignition problem, coil packs? Maybe when you floor it It's not able to keep up with fuel. My coils on my 1jz would stumble really bad when I floored it. I would start at the plugs and work your way backwards. Plugs, wires, coils, igniter.


Got Insulin?
Nov 22, 2009
Walled Lake, MI
S.A. supra;1494275 said:
Sounds like a ignition problem, coil packs? Maybe when you floor it It's not able to keep up with fuel. My coils on my 1jz would stumble really bad when I floored it. I would start at the plugs and work your way backwards. Plugs, wires, coils, igniter.

ok, cool, thanks i'll try that, the coil packs may be original for all i know


Nov 11, 2009
Barksdale AFB, Louisiana United States
they only way you would be floating valves is if your springs were shot. how many miles on the motor. and ive only ever seen valve float when a motor was turning like 10k rpms when it should have been doin like 7.5 lol. your springs should be able to keep up especially if your just on the highway sounds to me like fouled plugs almost cause if your packs are good then your plugs are getting cleared then firing correctly


Got Insulin?
Nov 22, 2009
Walled Lake, MI
7mLove;1494481 said:
they only way you would be floating valves is if your springs were shot. how many miles on the motor. and ive only ever seen valve float when a motor was turning like 10k rpms when it should have been doin like 7.5 lol. your springs should be able to keep up especially if your just on the highway sounds to me like fouled plugs almost cause if your packs are good then your plugs are getting cleared then firing correctly

it's got 80,000 miles on it. floating the valves is just the only way i know to try and describe it, lol. i'm gonna try some new plugs and go from there


Offical BAMF!
Dec 10, 2007
Sterling, Virginia, United States
not to thread jack but my car does kinda the same thing but its more like my car has plenty of power then it hits the next gear (auto) it kinda bogs down and kinda chug chug chug and pulls real soft at full stock boost. any ideas? i just put a brand new tps calibrated following the book and just rewired the knock sensors. it also kinda wants to stall if you hit the gas hard in it and the check engine light comes on throwing the ignition code i think im gonna recheck tonight. i was thinking plugs and wires since idk if there originals or not. any other ideas?


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Ok, really, what RPM? If the RPM is low and you're bogging the engine it's not anything wrong, it's you not downshifting. If it's happening aorund torque peak it's probably spark blowout..