What Shaeff said. In the stock turbo configuration the flow is from the head to the TB when the manifold is below ambient pressure. When above ambient the flow is from the head to the accordian. That's why the plumbing is different for turbos versus N/As. N/As never get above ambient so they don't need to supply a method for scavenging blowby under positive pressure.
On the turbo, whether the manifold is above or below ambient, the port on the TB is used to widen the delta P so scavenging occurs. The "boost leak" the port provides when above ambient is there for a reason so if you're not going to use it you need to lower the pressure in the catch can in some other manner.
Breather filters are the worst of all possible solutions (worse than even a draft tube) as they do nothing to increase the pressure differential. In that case scavenging is totally dependant on the delta P between blowby and ambient, which isn't very much in a healthy engine. We won't even get into the emissions or "greeness" of them.