I bought a new 5 Gen Dell XPS 3 months ago. It's a rockin machine when it runs right, but I've been plagued with problems since day one.
I started working Saturday night because I commited to turning a set of drawings over today. I try to start my PC & I get the blue screen of death. Reboot yeilds an error message "Can not identify PCI-E socket". I call Dell, give them the symptoms, and they ask me to do a virus scan. :nono: I stay on the phone with them until 2:30am, get nothing accomplished, so I hang up & go to bed.
Yesterday, after church, I call them again. I ran test after test and I lost count of how many times I rebotted my PC after fifty, no shit. I have their asses on the phone until 6:00 this morning. After realizing that there was absolutely no way that I could uphold my commitment (first time ever in my 10 years of being self employed), I had had enough. I told them that if they didn't have a technician at my house with a new motherboard in his hand within 24 hours, I was going to video the garbage man throwing the PC in the back of his truck & email it to them in lieu of any payments due.
The tech will be here in the morning.....
I started working Saturday night because I commited to turning a set of drawings over today. I try to start my PC & I get the blue screen of death. Reboot yeilds an error message "Can not identify PCI-E socket". I call Dell, give them the symptoms, and they ask me to do a virus scan. :nono: I stay on the phone with them until 2:30am, get nothing accomplished, so I hang up & go to bed.
Yesterday, after church, I call them again. I ran test after test and I lost count of how many times I rebotted my PC after fifty, no shit. I have their asses on the phone until 6:00 this morning. After realizing that there was absolutely no way that I could uphold my commitment (first time ever in my 10 years of being self employed), I had had enough. I told them that if they didn't have a technician at my house with a new motherboard in his hand within 24 hours, I was going to video the garbage man throwing the PC in the back of his truck & email it to them in lieu of any payments due.
The tech will be here in the morning.....