I had a hit and run today


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Some d00d decided to turn his big ol' flat bed truck around in a Hardees parking lot near my car and forgot about his steps on the back of the truck... Put a nice deep scratch and I got some of that sweet 'lol.. I hit something' paint crack going on.

I was watching my car while I was eating, seen the truck pull in... watched him (because I was at lunch by myself...) noticed that he looked VERY close to my car... jokingly thought, man I hope I don't see the thing move... finished eating, went outside and saw a nice black line on my white back bumper. Went back inside as the guy was coming out, asked him if he was driving the truck, he said he was, asked if he got a little to close to a car, he denied it... of course, really, really short and just turned and walked away quickly. Called the 5.0, called his company, called my insurance agent. It didn't rip the back bumper off or anything, just an.... I dunno 18" deep scratch w/ teh 'it looks like my wife backed into something' cracking.

Yes, I know it had to be him because I always (except this time obviously) back into parking spots, and no I didnt hit anything then because all the curbs here don't even hit my fart can.

The good news is, I did some wicked sweet 'drifting' in the snow. AWD w/ snow tires is the only way for me now.