yesterday, i was headed home from a long day at work via the freeway. in front of me were two hondas going side by side doing 45 in a 60. this section of freeway only has two lanes so i couldn't pass. so i followed them for several miles getting more annoyed with each passing mile. finally the freeway gives me a third lane. one honda stays in the outside lane, one goes to the inside lane. the middle is mine.:icon_evil i speed up to get by them when as i get next to them, i hear them each drop a gear. ok, so i do not condone street racing but i was tired, and pissed and just wanted to show them that they can't mess with a supra. so i got on it. by the end of third gear, i was a few cars ahead of them, but it wasn't enough, so off to fourth. i'm not sure what rpm i was at but all of the sudden, i noticed steam flying out from the ass end. quick check to the temp guage, all was normal so i knew it was a hose of some kind. so even though i represented supras everywhere, i am out $148.00 for another hcv. and the embarrasment of having them see me break the car. should i feel good about beating both cars or embarrased about breaking it in fron of them?:icon_conf