
I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm

HARTFORD, Connecticut (AP) -- A 78-year-old man is tossed like a rag doll by a hit-and-run driver and lies motionless on a busy city street as car after car goes by. Pedestrians gawk but appear to do nothing. One driver stops briefly but then pulls back into traffic. A man on a scooter slowly circles the victim before zipping away.
A frame of the video, marked 5:49:31 p.m., show a car bearing down a man walking in the street.

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The chilling scene -- captured on video by a streetlight surveillance camera -- has touched off a round of soul-searching in Hartford, with the capital city's biggest newspaper blaring "SO INHUMANE" on the front page and the police chief lamenting: "We no longer have a moral compass."
"We have no regard for each other," said Chief Daryl Roberts, who on Wednesday released the video in hopes of making an arrest in the accident that left Angel Arce Torres in critical condition.
However, Roberts and other city officials backtracked on Thursday. After initially saying he was unsure whether anyone called 911, he and other city officials appeared at a news conference in which they said that four people dialed 911 within a minute of the accident, and that Torres received medical attention shortly after that.
"This moved too quickly," said Calixto Torres, City Council president. "People were putting information out too quickly."
Roberts said his initial angry reaction was based on what he saw in the video. "The video was very graphic and sent a very bad message," the police chief said.
Watch the impact and the bystanders' failure to act »
The hit-and-run took place in daylight last Friday at about 5:45 p.m. in a working-class neighborhood close to downtown in this city of 125,000.

In the video, Torres, a retired fork-lift operator, walks in the two-way street just blocks from the state Capitol after buying milk at a grocery. A tan Toyota and a dark Honda that is apparently chasing it veer across the center line, and Torres is struck by the Honda. Both cars then dart down a side street.
Nine cars pass Torres as a few people stare from the sidewalk. Some approach Torres, but most stay put until a police cruiser responding to an unrelated call arrives on the scene after about a minute and a half.
"Like a dog they left him there," said a disgusted Jose Cordero, 37, who was with friends Thursday not far from where Torres was struck. Robert Luna, who works at a store nearby, said: "Nobody did nothing."
One witness, Bryant Hayre, told The Hartford Courant he didn't feel comfortable helping Torres, who he said was bleeding and conscious.
The accident -- and bystanders' apparent callousness -- dominated morning radio talk shows.
"It was one of the most despicable things I've seen by one human being to another," the Rev. Henry Brown, a community activist, said in an interview. "I don't understand the mind-set anymore. It's kind of mind-boggling. We're supposed to help each other. You see somebody fall, you want to offer a helping hand."
The victim's son, Angel Arce, begged the public for help in finding the driver. "My father is fighting for his life," he said.

The hit-and-run is the second violent crime to shock Hartford this week. On Monday, former Deputy Mayor Nicholas Carbone, 71, was beaten and robbed while walking to breakfast. He remains hospitalized and faces brain surgery.
"There was a time they would have helped that man across the street. Now they mug and assault him," police chief said. "Anything goes."

What the fuck people, thats just fucked up. Watch the video with the interview with the guy who was there and said he didn't have his phone on him but didn't do anything.

Yesterday, going home from work some lady rear ended 2 people, traffic was backed all up. People just went around her, no one did shit. I pulled over and go the guy she hit and had him help me push her to the side of the road, she was crying and pretty much scared shitless, 2 lanes of highway with her sitting there, and people just driving around honking at her. Seriously, when the shit hits the fan, a lot of these people aren't going to last 14 seconds.


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
Austin, TX
With all the stores around those dumbasses couldn't have just walked into a store and used the phone. I've also cleared up a traffic jam. Guy had a tercel and it just wouldnt move lol. I managed to squeeze the supra in there and give him a jump. I just don't understand humanity anymore.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
I hate CT, I have stopped multiple times to help people here, and was the only one to stop when a van blew out a tire and rolled over, back onto its wheels on the side of the highway.


May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
the general public makes me sick.

Not the same, but similar. Me and some friend were headed to my house. About a block away i notice something in the ditch, it was pink and reflecting the lights of my truck. I stopped to see what it was, and i couldnt beleive it. 11:30pm on a saturday night and theres a drunk high school girl passed out. We woke her up, tried talking to her but she was to drunk, then we managed to get a phone number of her friends. So we called them, they came with their mom and picked her up.
My sister works at the high school so i later found out that 2 guys were with her, she got way to drunk (to drunk to put out i guess) so they pulled over and threw her out of the car. And to make things worse, her OTHER friends knew where she was, but just walked away. I dont exactly live in a good part of town. Im glad that we found her and not the crackhead that i saw walking around 10 seconds before i spotted her.

Right at the same cross walk near where the drunk girl was, there has been 2 people hit, 1 killed and the other seriously injured. Both were hit and runs. As far as im concerned if you cant pull over and accept responsibility for what youve just done, you shouldnt be on the road in the first place. And i dont even want to hear "oh i was scared so i took off" thats a load of shit. Seems no one cares about anyone but themselves.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Next time he should use a crosswalk?

Ok, fair assumption that walking across a busy street where cars have the right-of-way isn't such a great idea for your own self-preservation, considering the amount of knuckleheads talking on their cell phones or doing their makeup, ect, while driving... Or two idiots crossing the double solid.

Leaving the guy lying there in the street is just rediculous. So bystander #871 didn't have his phone... HE'S IN A CITY! FIND A DAMN PHONE!

I was in Grand Forks BC, and some woman had lost the front wheel of this bigass F250 desiel truck... I still don't understand how... but anyway, kid in the cab screaming, and she was trying to jack the vehicle with this useless screw jack stand thing, using the fender... fell off the jack, bent the fender to fuck. I wasn't about to just walk away, so I helped her out.

Luckily some guy with a dodge ram stopped to aid us with his bottle jack, or we'd have been there for a long time with that screw stand.

I have a hard time stopping to help someone out in the boonies on an open highway, especially when I'm alone. Lost a family member that way, and almost lost a family friend as well.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
disturbing, but not surprising.

unfortunately, just stopping to help people along side the road sometimes has ugly consequences. Here in Oregon there was serial rapist on the loose along I-84. Sodomized a woman and made her boyfreind watch helplessly.

As a man I rarely sense that kind of danger and will always stop if Im in a position to. In fact on my way home from Seattle yesterday I would have stopped for a woman on the side of the road with her hood up if it werent for the fact that I was all the way over in the fast lane doing 80. I will NOT stop with a female passenger in my car.

In the case shown, I just dont see how people do nothing. My natural reaction as a human being is to rush in and see if I can help. I have stopped at several accident scenes in my life to offer assistance even if its just directing traffic. Society is sick, thats all.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
theWeezL;1044302 said:
disturbing, but not surprising.

unfortunately, just stopping to help people along side the road sometimes has ugly consequences. Here in Oregon there was serial rapist on the loose along I-84. Sodomized a woman and made her boyfreind watch helplessly.

Jesus. Perfect example why keeping a handgun in the glovebox is a good idea.

What the fuck were the two cars doing chasing each other around at basically rush hour friday afternoon in the FUCKING CITY??!?!?!?!

Boggles my mind...


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
theWeezL;1044302 said:
disturbing, but not surprising.

unfortunately, just stopping to help people along side the road sometimes has ugly consequences. Here in Oregon there was serial rapist on the loose along I-84. Sodomized a woman and made her boyfreind watch helplessly.

As a man I rarely sense that kind of danger and will always stop if Im in a position to. In fact on my way home from Seattle yesterday I would have stopped for a woman on the side of the road with her hood up if it werent for the fact that I was all the way over in the fast lane doing 80. I will NOT stop with a female passenger in my car.

In the case shown, I just dont see how people do nothing. My natural reaction as a human being is to rush in and see if I can help. I have stopped at several accident scenes in my life to offer assistance even if its just directing traffic. Society is sick, thats all.

Maybe your reaction, but most people will just freeze like deer in the headlights. Its proven that most people freeze in situations of extreme panic/stress, or they go insane and freak.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
The back roads around here are pretty dangerous with the twists and turns, and my fiance and I have witnessed two accidents.

We stopped and got help at both.

One was a nice new caddy that somehow spun out and broke the front suspension, car wasn't going to go anywhere, and it happened right in front of us. Got out, made sure everyone was fine and made sure they could get help. When we where sure that help was on the way and that they where fine they told us to go.

The other one a woman was going too fast around a corner, ran off the road and took out part of a gas pipeline. The van was over it and at least she had the smarts to turn the vehicle off and get out. Got her to a safe distance and started telling people in houses nearby that there was a major gas leak and to be careful.

I dunno, it's second nature to me and my fiance, the fact that that man with THAT many people around that did NOTHING is just plain disturbing...


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
I forget what it's called, but its been proven that when people are put in a situation with more people to blame, they are less likely to act. "Dispersion of responsibility" or something like that.

Basically, if it's just 2 people that witness something they are much more likely to help than if 50 people see something.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
just today some women was making a left hand turn into the street, engine blew up, and she was stick in the middle of a busy 4 lane road. Everybody was honking and driving by and not one cared to stop...that is until my mom saw her, stopped, and called me to help her out. So I drove halfway across town to push her car into a nearby parking lot, come to find out she was a diabetic who haven't ate much of anything all day, and it was some 95 degrees out.


New Member
Dec 16, 2006
foreverpsycotic;1044226 said:
I hate CT, I have stopped multiple times to help people here, and was the only one to stop when a van blew out a tire and rolled over, back onto its wheels on the side of the highway.
thats cuz your nice not to many people from ct are nice there all to stuck up to lend someone a hand :3d_frown: its manly down in fairfield county, everywhere else not so much


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
I stop for old people and women. Guys are just shit out of luck.

It's a shame that people have to think about their safety nowadays before they consider helping someone.

I love it when people honk at cars that obviously arent going anywhere. Hell, I love when 1/2 a second into a green light if you're not going people honk and then just sitting there for a few seconds, more people honking, the person behind you is signaling to change lanes, and then ever so slowly starting to go... to sit at the red light 50' down the street. :icon_bigg


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
it's fucking sickening the way people wont help others, but get mad when no one helps them in a similar situation...

Every time I see someone pushing a car, I always stop and help them, because I've had to do it twice, once in my 240sx, and once in my Supra when rod knock took her out...

Both times someone was generous enough to stop and help, and I return the favor by helping others...
Dec 3, 2003
Sad story. :3d_frown:

Both my wife and I were heading to Vegas in '02 in my Supra and saw a Supra with it's hazard lights on so I stopped backed up then proceeded to get out and then go to the Supra. A lady in the passenger seat quickly put up her window as I was starting to talk to her. People get scared easily it seems and I was only trying to help another Supra enthusiast.



Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
RazoE;1045833 said:
it's fucking sickening the way people wont help others, but get mad when no one helps them in a similar situation...

Every time I see someone pushing a car, I always stop and help them, because I've had to do it twice, once in my 240sx, and once in my Supra when rod knock took her out...

Both times someone was generous enough to stop and help, and I return the favor by helping others...

I was stuck in a line of traffic for about an hour until I finally roll up to a Jeep that had died. This poor old guy is trying and failing to push it. Many people were swerving around him (barely missing him at times) and just moving on.

I put my car in park behind his, and got out to help him. I told him to get in and steer while I pushed. Now to set the scene properly, this is right in the middle of Chicago - there is a fucking gas station ONE LANE TO OUR RIGHT.

The light in front of us turned red so he attempted to turn into the gas station - nobody made a path. Then the light turned green - nobody let me push the car through the one lane of traffic.

I told the guy to hold on a second, got in my Volvo wagon and parked it across BOTH lanes of traffic, blocking the traffic to give us a safe passage into the gas station. As I got out of the car people (who could already see I was trying to push someone in) were honking at us. I gave them a nice double handed one-finger salute (with a little added thrust for emphasis) and proceeded to get the guy into the parking lot.

Even with blocking traffic, it took a total of about 40 seconds to get the guy into the parking lot - something nobody would help him with for almost an hour (thousands of cars would have gone by in that time, probably a cop car or two as well).

The guy thanks me over and over, but I tell him I have to run to get my car out of the way.

As I jog back to the car, everybody is still honking. One guy leans out the window and says "hurry up you piece of shit". At that point, I slow down to the slowest pace you can imagine (and still be considered walking) and make my way back to my car. I guess I was sort of giving the guy a chance to make more bad decisions and continue hollering at me.

Anyway, he rolled up his window, defeated. I got back in my car - carefully and slowly got to the proper CD track, and when I was good and ready I moved out of the way.

All this shit to simply push a Jeep about 100 feet.

I can't even comprehend seeing someone get hit by a car and not doing something right away. I wouldn't be able to live with myself..