I have had dents fixed in the past. I have them fixed the right way. Using a puller with a screw instead of what the pros use (welded and then pulled) is NOT the way to fix a dent the right way at all. I hate when people use the word ghetto in wrong applications or overuse it, but pulling with a screw type dent puller, that is the #1 ghetto thing on my list. I am not saying this to upset you only to tell you and anyone reading to never do it that way. In body work, you never want to put holes in the metal because it only causes more problems and I am really not surprised at all that using the screw type puller gave you the result that it did.
When I fix dents, I take it to a body man and let him work with the metal, then I fill it, sand it, prime it, sand it, paint, clear, and maybe wet sand and polish myself. There are certain things that just need to be done by the pros and as much as I love being a do-it-yourselfer, dent pulling is not something I take on.
Just take it to a pro and do it the right way. I had a bunch of dents on my car five years back and it only cost me $20 to get all of them out although I was friendly with the shop owner, but it really did not take him long at all to fix them either. Recently I had two dents pulled that took a pro all of 5 minutes to fix. It was so quick that he did not even charge me. I have fixed dents on four machines and it never cost me much at all. With all those cases, I did all the work afterwards.
I am not even sure that a dent puller -- even a real one -- is going to be the tool you need. If the metal is thicker, it may need a frame machine or even need a different process than you think.