Well I noticed yesterday my car was getting hard to put in and take out of gear occasionally. I didn't think much of it, I figured maybe there was some air in the system and just kept driving. Well this morning when I left for school I noticed I was getting lots of trouble trying to put the car in most gears. It would go, but occasionally grind and I'd have to repress the clutch and most of the time give some muscle to get it in gear. Well the first full stop I came to, I almost completely stalled the car when the clutch engaged with the pedal maybe 1/2 inch away from the firewall. That's when I realized the problem is that the clutch is engaging way too early with the pedal. There were no changes made lately that should affect this and it came out of nowhere aside from the small problems yesterday. Just pressing the clutch pedal normal will result in hesitation when putting it in gear and occasional grinding, but if I push the clutch all the way in and point my foot slightly, it will push the pedal completely against the firewall and I can feel the pedal get stiffer and the clutch engage, and then it goes smooth into gear. I don't like this because 1. leaving stops is hard, 2. shifting is hard, and 3. I don't intend to do any WOT runs with the car like this, so no fun. :cry:
Is this just a simple pedal adjustment? I have about an estimated 3 inches of freeplay in the pedal before it actually engages the clutch. I am fine with adjusting the pedal and I can do it for free, but since the problem came out of nowhere, it makes me nervous to adjust the pedal in case the problem automatically goes away and it returns to normal, because then I would be burning the crap out of the clutch just driving around...
I'd appreciate as much input as possible and possibly some opionions before I adjust it, and I hope the car remains driveable and the engagement point doesn't keep getting farther and farther back.
The reason this confused me so much is because the pedal is the same height, same position, and I've made no changes.
Cliffs: Have to push clutch pedal completely back and point foot to press the pedal against the firewall to get the clutch to engage. Total PITA while driving around. Can adjust for free, but want to make sure that's the problem and I won't burn the clutch.
Is this just a simple pedal adjustment? I have about an estimated 3 inches of freeplay in the pedal before it actually engages the clutch. I am fine with adjusting the pedal and I can do it for free, but since the problem came out of nowhere, it makes me nervous to adjust the pedal in case the problem automatically goes away and it returns to normal, because then I would be burning the crap out of the clutch just driving around...
I'd appreciate as much input as possible and possibly some opionions before I adjust it, and I hope the car remains driveable and the engagement point doesn't keep getting farther and farther back.
The reason this confused me so much is because the pedal is the same height, same position, and I've made no changes.
Cliffs: Have to push clutch pedal completely back and point foot to press the pedal against the firewall to get the clutch to engage. Total PITA while driving around. Can adjust for free, but want to make sure that's the problem and I won't burn the clutch.