Hello from Calgary!


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hello, I just signed aboard. Was looking over the info and thought, "what a great site!" I have owned many Toyotas over the years and customized a couple in my teens. Now that my kids are grown a bit... (6 of 'em), I finally got my "dream-machine"... a 1988 MKIII.

Here's my baby...:love:






I am currently going over the car with a fine tooth comb and have noticed some body work I need to do (one spot of rust on driver's side fender, some shabby body work over rear fenders and a hole in the driver's side rear wheel well). The engine has some CDN Tire spark plugs in it (NOT platinum.. yikes), but still was able to wallup a newer Mustang (he was in 5th as I came out of 3rd). Hoses leaking, cracked.. no modes except K&N Air filter in stock air box... The damn car runs great and the spark plugs were swimming in oil (could see the tips).

This is my project for the next year, and I will be photo-journaling. Your lucky cause I already asked most of my newbie questions on a different forum so I have gained most of the knowledge I need to make some smart choices (hopefully).

Plans? Simply put... all new vaccum hoses, mostly new hoses (the rubber ones) everywhere I can find, hard-piping the intercooler and rad, upgrading rad, 3" exhaust (maybe header and turbo.. can't decide cause thats where the pricetag really jumps), intake upgrades (not the fuel injection system unless I attack the turbo, just airflow) and minor prettying up stuff.

Thats me in a nutshell.. and to whoever is the owner(s) of this forums... great stuff!!! Thank you! (a treasure-trove of info)

Oh yeah.. bought it a month ago for 6k... appraised at 6k. (just a 'in case your wondering") Was lucky with the appraisal.. takes the fear out of insurance.
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SWD Fredester 3

Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2008
baltimore maryland
Hello from Baltimore and welcome to SM. My children are grown, I have
three grand sons and my wife has recently become a "WEB WIDOW"-thanks
Ian, since I joined this forum!
Your car looks real nice and you should have a good time with your project.
This forum is a great place to learn and the members just "step up to the plate" with answers and experienced info. You should really be able to enjoy
your Supra more with the support of everyone on board. Have fun and
good luck.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
Welcome to Supramania :)

You will have lots of help around here just remember to ask the right questions ;)

As for Calgary. Nice place. A buddy of mine lives up there ;)

As he says

"Have a gooder!" :)


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I have 2 granddaughters as well (5 and 6). And my wife is just the angry "dont you dare obsess about that car!" type wife. :)

One thing I should note (because I had this pointed out to me), when this car was new, I was "rat-racing" thru city streets in my 72 Corolla, and sped on the highways at 92 MPH (top speed). Isn't is amazing that with this car, I can do over 200 kph (I haven't gone over 150 kph yet) but dont have a spot to do it now? The note is, that up here, we are starting to get too much traffic on the roads (by our standards), although my brother who moved to Conneticut about 8 years back laughs at me and tells me about driving in NY and Florida. He just points out that our city has 1 million people while he drives with about 18 times that many people on the road each day.

Dont know how it is where you are, but the states does have a heckuva lot more people to shuttle around then we do and if I'm having trouble going over 60 MPH because of the guy in front of me, now I have a picture of all you U.S. folk having trouble going over 10 MPH. (thats the... picture in my head... I dont know the truth, lol) Of course... international misconceptions are easy as believe that we can all drive like drifters in "Tokyo Drift".

Just thought I would share that little picture in my head.


Boost addict
Sep 16, 2008
Licking MO
I live in a little hick town of 2,000 and past 9-10 at night there aint anyone on the roads. Very fun if u have a fast car. Oh and we only have 1 cop on duty and me and him went to scool togather so.. no pig problem