It seemed to be working a month ago but since its been colder out its no longer working. I noticed air in the system when I started it one day I could hear the coolant gurgle through the hoses, only heard it a few more times.. havnt heard it since. The rad was replaced right before I bought the car and they used two different types of coolant(I tested it and its begging to gel), its green fluid aswell, I should be running Toyota red right?
My temp gauge is weird, it will read normal temp, but if I shut off the car and start it back up it will be reading at about 1/4, Im thinking thermostat is stuck open. What else should I check? I noticed the vaccuum valve thing where the heater hoses go through the fire wall, how can I tell if thats working? the hoses feel warm on the inlet and outlet side.
This will determine if I re-insure the car on Saturday or not when it runs out, I need to do the Timing belt asap so I might aswell just pull it apart and drive the truck for now I guess.
My temp gauge is weird, it will read normal temp, but if I shut off the car and start it back up it will be reading at about 1/4, Im thinking thermostat is stuck open. What else should I check? I noticed the vaccuum valve thing where the heater hoses go through the fire wall, how can I tell if thats working? the hoses feel warm on the inlet and outlet side.
This will determine if I re-insure the car on Saturday or not when it runs out, I need to do the Timing belt asap so I might aswell just pull it apart and drive the truck for now I guess.