It's a 1988 NA 5 speed.
I replaced the head gasket the first time in 1999. Did the full head job.
It lasted 9 years.
I replaced the head gasket again about 19 months ago- using the felpro
head gasket. Got the full head job again from Dover.
A few days ago I noticed a lot of whitish smoke coming out of the exhaust. It was cold and rainy and I assumed it was condensation. It disspiated quicky in the air. Cold and wet the next day and more whitish smoke. That night- after the Gator game- I noticed the smoke again and it went away as before as the engine warmed up.
Driving home, I noticed there was no heat even though the control was set for max heat. I began to cuss. Got home after a short drive- maybe 4 miles- the radiator was only warm to the touch. It was cold out, mid 40s.
The overflow bottle was full. But the radiator was empty. Yanked the oil cap and looked inside to see a bit of milky stuff at the top. More cursing.
Today the milky stuff was gone. Car hadn't been driven since that night.
Did a cold compression test (didn't want to runt he engine with a blown gasket). 1 and 2 are 185 and 180. 3 is 210, 4 is 190, 5 and 6 are at 210.
I expected to see a difference between 5 and 6. All the cyllinders are higher than spec for whatever reason. I suspect 5 and 6 are high because of the oil that drained in when I yanked the plugs.
Anybody have any ideas what might be going on here?? Condensation under the valve covers could have caused the milky stuff that went away? But whet happened to the water and why was the overflow bottle full??
It runs fine. Idles fine. No misfiring.
I replaced the head gasket the first time in 1999. Did the full head job.
It lasted 9 years.
I replaced the head gasket again about 19 months ago- using the felpro
head gasket. Got the full head job again from Dover.
A few days ago I noticed a lot of whitish smoke coming out of the exhaust. It was cold and rainy and I assumed it was condensation. It disspiated quicky in the air. Cold and wet the next day and more whitish smoke. That night- after the Gator game- I noticed the smoke again and it went away as before as the engine warmed up.
Driving home, I noticed there was no heat even though the control was set for max heat. I began to cuss. Got home after a short drive- maybe 4 miles- the radiator was only warm to the touch. It was cold out, mid 40s.
The overflow bottle was full. But the radiator was empty. Yanked the oil cap and looked inside to see a bit of milky stuff at the top. More cursing.
Today the milky stuff was gone. Car hadn't been driven since that night.
Did a cold compression test (didn't want to runt he engine with a blown gasket). 1 and 2 are 185 and 180. 3 is 210, 4 is 190, 5 and 6 are at 210.
I expected to see a difference between 5 and 6. All the cyllinders are higher than spec for whatever reason. I suspect 5 and 6 are high because of the oil that drained in when I yanked the plugs.
Anybody have any ideas what might be going on here?? Condensation under the valve covers could have caused the milky stuff that went away? But whet happened to the water and why was the overflow bottle full??
It runs fine. Idles fine. No misfiring.