have new dual eletric fans need help hooking up


New Member
i havnt posted in a long time but i have a serious question about this little fan thats next 2 the old clutchfan. it has a blue and black wire going to it and im just wondering if thats an eletric cooling fan for the engine or is it for the oil cooler. the reason y im asking is i just got a racing radiator for the car and it came with 2 12" eletric vans that have blue and black wires to it can any 1 help me out

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
That is an axuillary fan for higher than normal temps, such as Phoenix, or A/C in summer with slow moving traffic. It turns on by high pressure in the A/C system. If you have an A340E trans, then you have a third fan that comes on with high temps.


Now you know
Sep 9, 2007
Baltimore County, Maryland
From what I have seen Pre-89 only had the condenser electric fan regardless of transmission. The 89+ have two, one that is controlled by a temp s/w on the thermostat housing, and the second for the condenser. I believe the top electric fan is the coolant temp controlled fan and the bottom is for the condenser.


New Member
i got it wired up i accually had to go through some sites then i just said fuk it went to the dealer and asked them and there was 3 fans on the 87 turbo 1 clutch, 1 ac fan and the colant eletric fan
i found out that the eletric fan that sits in the engine compartment is the collant fan wit a temp sensor its a small fan with 7 blades and it was plastik. lmao