Harness question


Jan 11, 2007
Ok ive heard several different things about the 89 harness and I just would like a clear answer before I buy a used one. My car is an early 89 5spd build in late 88. So is the plugs yellow or grey and is it interchangable with any other year model? Also since it is a 5spd, can I buy one that is for an auto? And last question is would it be possible just to buy a harness and ecu from another year model and put it in without major modification? Thanks for any help. Seems that my harness is totally messed up and I'm trying to get it running so I can sell it before I move.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
^^^ Yep...you will have to look at the ECU (behind the glovebox) to see if the plugs are yellow or grey.

An auto harness will work on a manual car, but not vice versa...you have to modify wiring for the neutral start switch w/ an auto harness on a manual tranny iirc. You can get a harness and ECU from a different year to work, but will have to change out sensors to match the connectors various places on the motor.

Do a search...pretty sure this has been covered ;)