Aside from my other thread with a dead end cable, I've found myself in a bit of a stump.
I had the not so brilliant idea to move a few things around in the engine, mainly the fuel injector resistor and the ignitor to right in front of the master brake cylinder. That required cutting a few cables and extending others and I believe I messed up somewhere. The car worked just fine before I did all this.
First, I had no current whatsoever in the green plug (harness side) that sends electricity to the coil packs.
Second, there was no current either in the other green plug that hooks up to the CPS.
This changed the moment that I loosened the 2 loops I thought were just grounds shown in the 2 pictures I attached. Only the first plug I mentioned got electricity though. If I bolted any of the 2 loops (or both) to any good grounding spot (tried the head, the block, and the negative battery post) the green plug would lose its current.
So the question is, are both loops grounds like I originally thought or have I screwed up somewhere?
PS: The cable colors for the loop in the second picture are mainly brown with 1 long, black line on the side. And yes, I fixed the part where it's snapped.
I had the not so brilliant idea to move a few things around in the engine, mainly the fuel injector resistor and the ignitor to right in front of the master brake cylinder. That required cutting a few cables and extending others and I believe I messed up somewhere. The car worked just fine before I did all this.
First, I had no current whatsoever in the green plug (harness side) that sends electricity to the coil packs.
Second, there was no current either in the other green plug that hooks up to the CPS.
This changed the moment that I loosened the 2 loops I thought were just grounds shown in the 2 pictures I attached. Only the first plug I mentioned got electricity though. If I bolted any of the 2 loops (or both) to any good grounding spot (tried the head, the block, and the negative battery post) the green plug would lose its current.
So the question is, are both loops grounds like I originally thought or have I screwed up somewhere?
PS: The cable colors for the loop in the second picture are mainly brown with 1 long, black line on the side. And yes, I fixed the part where it's snapped.