Greeting from Czech Republic and some questions


New Member
Oct 19, 2007
Kladno, Czech Republic
Hi all! On first, excuse me for my bad English, but I'm from Czech Republic (Middle Europe) :1zhelp: .. so... I have some questions with problems on my 7M-GTE engine...

1) I completed engine.. 98% work are ok, without problems. But now, when i finished and i CAN :)cry: ) startup, have really stupid problem! To ISC are going two hoses with water... TO and OUT... "TO" hose (I don't now how I write it > haven't requisite word :icon_bigg ) I have, but have not OUT hose, where water going out from ISC... WHERE IS THIS HOSE?? I know, I'm really stupid :biglaugh: ! I'm shiftless :1zhelp: :1zhelp:

2) Where I can connect an electrical fan on main cooler? I can install the MagiCar security system, so I need that fan are running when the Engine run..

3) Sorry for my maybe stupid questionsm, but without question are not knoweledge...

Thanks for your help!

Thomas from Czech.


Apr 5, 2005
Hayward , Ca
The out from the ISC should go into the block or head. There should be a nipple that hose connects to,.

2 : Why can't you use the existing AC fan to stay on while the car is idling? You should be able to wire in the alarm that way.

3:There are no stupid questions.....welcome !


New Member
Oct 19, 2007
Kladno, Czech Republic
to Suprastanger507mgte: Thank you for your understanding. Why I can't use the existing AC fan? Mmmmh.. I speculating about this.. My friend (from Czech) recommended me, so that use the ignition for main fan.. I can still talk to him about this problems and if this connection don't like me, I will using your griff (I don't know if that a good word for this idiom..)..

to Turbogate: Wow, Big Thanks for your link! I printing him now and runn'a to garage for aplicate it :biglaugh: !


New Member
Oct 19, 2007
Kladno, Czech Republic
..and please, when i write some mistakes with English (timing words, declensions, BIG and small types..), give me a notice for my betterment :icon_bigg . I can learn an English :1zhelp: