Here are the pics, it is red and oily, like ps fluid, I dunno what lines run through here but there is a black plug that is leaking, look at pics below, how can I fix this and what is it? Thanks guys.
Well I am at work now, and I doubt it is tranny fluid as it doesn't smell. No leaks in the engine bay got all those worked out completely. It doesn't smell sweet like coolant and my radiator is full. It is on the right side in front of the rear tire as you can see in the first pic it is directly above the oil filter in the picture. It is not dripping down towards that spot then falling to the ground, it is coming out of a plastic black plug that is where you see the drips. Why would my ps fluid be leaking here? My ps reservoir is full btw. Also I am 5 speed, so it isn't auto tranny fluid. It is oily same texture as ps fluid.
Thanks guys hopefully you can give me some insight as to how to fix this so I can fix it when I get home from work.
Well I am at work now, and I doubt it is tranny fluid as it doesn't smell. No leaks in the engine bay got all those worked out completely. It doesn't smell sweet like coolant and my radiator is full. It is on the right side in front of the rear tire as you can see in the first pic it is directly above the oil filter in the picture. It is not dripping down towards that spot then falling to the ground, it is coming out of a plastic black plug that is where you see the drips. Why would my ps fluid be leaking here? My ps reservoir is full btw. Also I am 5 speed, so it isn't auto tranny fluid. It is oily same texture as ps fluid.
Thanks guys hopefully you can give me some insight as to how to fix this so I can fix it when I get home from work.