Got my insurance check


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Fucking A right !!

After months and freaking months of fighting with this triple A middle man ass face, I finally got my money from when that dam tow tow truck dropped my shit and took a ckunk out of my bumper, cracked the driver turn sig, cracked the passenger side skirt that was molded........ Dam tow truck owner didnt want to turn it in to there insurance so I filled out the paper wprk at the local magistrate and all od the sudden this insurance company called and said they want to settle out of court.... F*cking A right ! got every red cent....

Seems like companies get scared when they get the cirtified letter saying that there getting taken to court and all of a sudden theywant to pay.....

Don't try and screw over the FISH........ :icon_wink



been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
well this might sound complicated.

first estimate i got from the guy that painted and did the body work from gave me a estimate for like about 12 houndred and some change.

MR dick chin at tripple A said they couldnt pay that , , then I temporary lost that estimate.,
second estimate at a differnt shop was was four fouteen houndred and and change, then I went back to the original guy''shop with the second estimate asking for another estimate and he wrote one out for something like 1391.00.

I turned in the two higher ones cause I thought i lost the 12oo houndred something one .

I had to front at the magistate 76.50
so the insurance company gave me my 76.50 court cost plus $ 1391.00...

I can dig,

come spring when I go away again for the nuke plants, is when I will give it to the shop so I can have it ready again for summer.....
