i was working on the 1g today when i figured i would pull the i/c piping loose just to see what it looked like. when i pulled the pipe off i found that the hose clamp that connected the ic pipe to the turbo was loose on both turbo's.i also found out that the screws on the valve cover were so loose i could have taken them out by hand. well anyways i tightened up the v/c screws and cleaned off the piping for the turbo's and took some pics of my findings. i dont think my turbo's are bad i just think i had terrible boost leak. and all the oil was coming from the valve cover being loose. could the boost leak cause the car to shutter when under boost. before it would run up to around 8psi before you could feel it pull but now with it all tightened up as soon as it hits 1-2 psi you can feel it pulling. also i took off the dist cap it has a series of points inside that look kinda worn and crudy also the rotor button looks the same does anyone know off a company that makes these parts? sorry for the long post. when i looked inside the turbo pipe there was very little to no oil there at all. so are they going out or was it a leak?
this is the ic pipe
the turbos
this is the ic pipe
the turbos