Don't have sex. How about that? I don't care whether you're a girl or guy, if you have sex on the first date or are looking for one night stands, you're a slut, whore or whatever else you want to call it. Besides, if she sees that you're trying to make moves then she may lose all respect for you. If you don't pay attention to her thoughts and feelings and truly respect them, then there is no chance of a real relationship. Good luck to those of you that haven't realized and applied this yet. There is no "game" to be played.
I agree with what Joe is saying about music. I am very picky when it comes to music, although I'm into a wide range of rock and metal-from very bluesy stuff to death or black metal. If she can't live with and appreciate your choice in music then what else do you think you have to look forward to? I would let the girl go through my CDs and if she came across anything that she wanted to listen to, then I'd do that. If she had no clue, then I'd put in something more mellow to see if she could get into it at all.
I guess I don't really have that problem, though. The girl that I'm on my way to getting serious right now also likes Pantera over any other band out there-right on par with me. Aside from that, we've got a lot more in common, too.
I personally wouldn't be able to be involved with somebody that's not into some of my hobbies. For some, the "opposites attract" thing works, so more power to them.
Anyway, I think that making a good first impression when she gets into your car is important. She probably has some idea of how much you like Supras and if she sees that you don't take good care of it then she may relate that to how you would take care of somebody that you're in a relationship with. Of course the two are not directly related, but she may possibly think otherwise.