Another update, straight from the owner:
"Today, traveling from a client site to a computer store, I came up a long on-ramp onto the interstate just in time to see my OWN bike go by in the other direction on I-275. There was no way I would be able to exit & turn around fast enough to catch him in the car I was driving, so I did the next best thing -- called 911.
Who patched me through to the state highway patrol (I'm guessing because it was spotted on an interstate). And the highway patrol I guess was call-backlogged, because it took a while for them to get to the phone. And when they did finally answer, it took a while for him to comprehend why I was calling -- and then he wanted to know the tag number. I explained to him that the tag had already been returned (found on another stolen bike)... By this time, enough time has passed that the bike could have easily gone three dozen different ways and there's about zero chance of a patrol spotting it from my sighting.
That sucks."
So anyone in that area on the freeways, please keep an eye out, its on the road for sure!