First off, im VERY excited about this lol. Its sad i know, but its my life. I was getting tired of this long drawn out algebra problems associated with my engineering degree. So many mistakes, takes FOREVER. Not anymore
(My justification is we can use MATLAB to solve so why not this as well.)
The Algebrator
Solves everything out step by step if you want. Its awesome. So those long algebra problems that take 10 pages to finish (for those engineering applications) are no longer a nuisance. Also great for those in low levels math courses. I am SOO happy with this program. Hopefully i won't get shit from the teacher :biglaugh:. It has MANY functions including graphing and also does equation transformations (ie logarithmic). Also uses Cramer's rule :icon_bigg
Btw, for those interested, this is for reduction of an Equivalent Transfer Function (ETF); Automatic Controls 460 :3d_frown: :icon_evil terrible class in the sense its so hard/time consuming
input is very easy
Solved after many many pages
First off, im VERY excited about this lol. Its sad i know, but its my life. I was getting tired of this long drawn out algebra problems associated with my engineering degree. So many mistakes, takes FOREVER. Not anymore
(My justification is we can use MATLAB to solve so why not this as well.)
The Algebrator
Solves everything out step by step if you want. Its awesome. So those long algebra problems that take 10 pages to finish (for those engineering applications) are no longer a nuisance. Also great for those in low levels math courses. I am SOO happy with this program. Hopefully i won't get shit from the teacher :biglaugh:. It has MANY functions including graphing and also does equation transformations (ie logarithmic). Also uses Cramer's rule :icon_bigg
Btw, for those interested, this is for reduction of an Equivalent Transfer Function (ETF); Automatic Controls 460 :3d_frown: :icon_evil terrible class in the sense its so hard/time consuming
input is very easy
Solved after many many pages
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