I want a relatively cheap fool proof way to find any vac leaks in my system. I sprayed soapy water all around my vac lines while my engine was running and found no bubbling, but for some reason it just doesn't strike me as a very reliable or fool proof test method and neither does the blowtorch fuel method..
Anyways, there are actual smoke testers out there for this sort of thing, but they are pretty darn pricey, so I was thinking of this:http://www.partycity.com/product/fog+machine+400+with+remote.do?sortby=ourPicks&size=all&from=Search&navSet=fog+machine
I was wondering if this machine would harm my engine in any way, would condensation build up and possibly cause hydrolock?
Anyways, there are actual smoke testers out there for this sort of thing, but they are pretty darn pricey, so I was thinking of this:http://www.partycity.com/product/fog+machine+400+with+remote.do?sortby=ourPicks&size=all&from=Search&navSet=fog+machine
I was wondering if this machine would harm my engine in any way, would condensation build up and possibly cause hydrolock?