First Service - What to do, what not to!!


Aug 17, 2007
So, here i am, about to service her for the 1st time :biglaugh:. Anxiety has kicked in with a bit of dumbness and nervousness. I want help from all the old-school people (not to feel bad all you new-comers, your input is also welcome!). Is there any procedure when servicing turboed engines, specifically the mk3? The only forced induction car I've had was a turbo-diesel.

What apart from the usual; filters, pads, should i replace and check for? My car has about 80K+ (kms) on it, should i look to avoid a BHG. I 'm highly doubtful the previous owner was that knowledgeable bout the mk3 (i mean for starters it still has the stock downpipe which I'm itching to change!!). So, advice please on oil grades and the like would be highly apreciated.

Ohh ya, if anyone could also throw in a spare DP and HKS exhaust as a freebee, would highly appreciate


Swap never finished
Feb 5, 2006
Bay Area, California
Do a compression test if you want to see if you have a BHG. For maintenance, check all the regular stuff, pads, plugs, filter. Replace fluids as necessary. Good luck getting people to give you stuff as most of us are broke trying to get our cars to run. Welcome to mkiii's.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
A good oil to try would be something like Penzoil Plat. 5W-30, fill 1 qt. overfull as added protecting. The MKIII's like to burn about .5 qt. every 3000 miles or so on average. A good oil filter to use would be something like Purolator Pure One, don't cheap out here, don't ever use Fram. I use this combo on my DD, change the oil filter every 4000 miles and the oil itself every 8000 miles, the oil is a nice dark amber color when changed (color doesn't mean much though, other than the oil is serving on of it's purposes).

You need to look into replacing any old, worn, rotted rubber hoses (vacuum and water hoses). Spark plugs, wires, check the air filter. bleed the brakes and clutch (God knows how long that fluid has been in there). Flush and top off the power steering fluid, and GET RID OF THE STOCK TURBO ELBOW! ;)


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Do not:
suprahooked said:
Re torque your head bolts.

SS5k has got it pretty well there. I don't overfill the oil, I think you should know to check it if it consumes or leaks oil.

Just check for leaks, things/wires that look out of place...

Don't worry about getting a BHG, usually they happen for a reason and not just "because Toyota did (insert excuse) wrong".


Built 7M
Jun 20, 2006
mkIIIman089 said:
Do not:

SS5k has got it pretty well there. I don't overfill the oil, I think you should know to check it if it consumes or leaks oil.

Just check for leaks, things/wires that look out of place...

Don't worry about getting a BHG, usually they happen for a reason and not just "because Toyota did (insert excuse) wrong".
Well toyota was wrong with the 58ft lb on the headgasket and it should be tourque to 70 ft lbs. So listen to the milkman