first mustang kill!


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
Buda, Tx
not that impressive I know but hear me out. I was leaving the local ricer meet, and a blue late 90's mustang with racing stripes pulls up beside me, loud exhaust v8 no doubt. we're rolling down a 40mph road that just had a 3 person fatality as a result of racing so there's no way in hell I'm gonna run him on that street. He keeps reving and speeding up and slowing down, I'm not gonna give him a thing. Well he gets infront of me and heads towards the highway, the same way I'm going. So as we take the turn onto the feeder road I'm right behind him and he floors it as soon as he passes the turn, and I'm on it. I'm able to pass him and get infront as the lane turns into 1. well I let off to 60 and hit the onramp to the highway. He's still following me. I see him in my rear view get on it for a flyby or something, he gets about a car length behind me before I give it gas, his bumper makes it to my door and I start walking on him. I don't let off till I'm a good 10 cars ahead and he flashes his lights (good race or something I guess) then proceeds to exit the highway. I know it's not really a race since we never got to line up, but heres what tickled me, I looked down and realized I had forgotten to take it off low boost, so I was at like 7 or 8 psi. I've got a mysterious hissing leak from the rear of the intake somewhere, so hopefully I can get that figured out manana and really get to experience the fruit of my laybors.
here's a link to a page with pics of my piece
old pic of the car, rims have since been corrected to face the correct directions.
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