Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Out today! Reviewed on IGN.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I got it, played about an hour into it and it seems pretty good to that point. Im at the same time playing the original ff7 on my psp lol. Kinda went all out ff7 because of the new game.


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
just snagged a copy from good ole gamestop... the graphics are insane, the music is great, the controls take some getting used to but man... i had chills when it first loaded. made me feel like i was 13 again playing the original. a must have for any FF7 fan


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Arg, I got distracted with playing the original FF7 that I havent played CC again lol. Every time I fire up the psp I go right to old ff7 and cant break away from it!


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Hey guys. I don't have a PSP but I borrowed my friends. I'm 49+ hours in, 3rd time through on hard. I would only be the 2nd time through but I missed something ( reading the FAQ's and Strats now, lmk if u need a good site for this ). I'm currently going after getting all the DMV's, then all the Genji armor ( Best in the game ), and then to fight the optional boss character in the missions ( 10 million hp I think ).

My stats are like 35,000 hp, 999 mp ( Although I do have the item to go over for this as well as the AP one. ). The fuse system and missions make this game have a lot more value to it. The story itself ( which I did with out doing ANY missions ), took me 15 hours.. dying a few times on normal. The missions are perfect for on the go places since there is no story.

I also might add, that Dierge of Ceberius was pretty good game as well especially if your a fan. At the end it has a linking point between this game and that game which is pretty cool. I recommend you guys pick that up as well.

What I am wondering is who Cessini is... she wasn't in FF7 afaik. Oh how I wish the Turks game made it out on something besides a cell phone...

Also if you guys need any information about the story, I have a great site that has the complete FF7 time line... helps make a lot of sense of it, esp if you haven't played the original for awhile.
* May be Spoilers *
The ending was absolutely perfect. I really enjoyed it and it was pretty sad /tear. I t was so cool to see Cloud living out his legacy ect... and the PS3 tech demo at the end really makes you think that Square is going to make it for PS3.... oh how I hope so.

and yes, HACKED PSP's FTW. If you don't have one get one!