Fast Help Needed



I'm about to buy an NA MKIII. Everyone says the HG WILL blow, no matter what. Is this true? I had it tested, and it checked out great. No BHG. What are my chances of gettin a year or two outta her without a BHG???


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
depends on cond. of the it was driven, mileage and maintiance...yes it will eventually blow since the stock hg are a pos but you could always baby the car and even then it could still car has 130k miles on it and stock hg


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Wrong forum.

There is nothing wrong with the stock HG. The torque specs on the head are the culprit - 58 foot pounds is NOT enough.

Even if it does blow, it's not a big deal to tear off the head, clean both the block and the head, drop in a new gasket, and torque it to 72 foot pounds. At this point, you'll never have to worry about the head gasket again.


im wiht grim, no problem with the stocker gasket, since you did a comp. test and eveyrhign was good, do a re-tq and u should be find


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
i bought my na with 140k miles on it, it now has 160k+ and the owner said he never had the HG replaced, so 160k miles and going stong. you heard that from the MKIV guys, they dont like MKIII's.


Cool, thanks yall. I found an extended warranty that'll cover 5 years and 100k additional miles, so if it blows, they'll fix it.


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
Makavelli said:
Cool, thanks yall. I found an extended warranty that'll cover 5 years and 100k additional miles, so if it blows, they'll fix it.

I have a feeling you are getting owned on the price.


I got the warranty for $1000. It's 5 yr 100,000 miles (additional, not total). Seems steep, but I only paid $1000 for the car, so basically, I got a Supra with a 5 yr, 100,000 mile warranty for $2000. Plus, they finance the warranty, $250 down and $67 per month. Even if it blows a HG, the warranty is still about $400 cheaper than the repair. Not a bad deal, I thought. The mechanic I had check out the car (a Toyota specialist, of course) said it was one of the cleanest best kept engines he'd seen in a long time. He said the car had clearly been well taken care of and should last another 100k. He actually told the seller that if I didn't buy it, he'd take it (he owns 2 Supras himself). True it needs some minor body work, paint and a new front tire, but hell, I think I made out ok. She's bein delivered to me at 4:30 today...I can't wait, I'm like a kid at Christmas!


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
$1000 for a 5 year warranty? Hell, the only car I've kept longer than 90 days was/is my 82, Do you really plan on keeping it that long? Will it still be covered if you decide to go turbo? hell, for $1000 you could buy another motor and put down in it, shipped to your door. But that's just me, and I know a lot of people don't have the time, tools, or knoweledge (no, I'm not trying to say anything about you) to do one, or more HG jobs. Or was this a HG job/warranty all for the low price of $1000?


mkiiSupraMan18 said:
$1000 for a 5 year warranty? Hell, the only car I've kept longer than 90 days was/is my 82, Do you really plan on keeping it that long? Will it still be covered if you decide to go turbo? hell, for $1000 you could buy another motor and put down in it, shipped to your door. But that's just me, and I know a lot of people don't have the time, tools, or knoweledge (no, I'm not trying to say anything about you) to do one, or more HG jobs. Or was this a HG job/warranty all for the low price of $1000?

Actually, it's a complete powertrain warranty. It dosen't void if I mod the engine, but obviously doesn't cover the new parts... The best deal I've found on an engine is $1290 for an 7MGTE with 45k miles on it. Sure I could find a junker with over 100k, but what's the point? The only shop in my town willing to do a swap from NA to Turbo wants $1500 to do it. A HG replacement up here runs about $1400. So, with $1000, I can blow as many HG's on my turbo conversion as I want, and it's covered. I plan on keeping this car for quite a while and don't plan on doin a swap for a year or two. Since the car was only $1000, I'm ok spending another grand for peace of mind.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Ah..... I thought U meant just a HG warranty, powertrain for $1000, hell, maybe it would be worth it then... specially since mkIII parts are sooooo cheap :icon_razz


Mar 30, 2005
Eugene, OR
man that warranty sounds great until you try and get them to pay for something. Read it line by line and note that they will try and find every reason possible not to pay you.

Why would a dealer give you a car and guarantee it working no matter what motor you stick in or who does the work? You say you can get your HG replaced as many times as you want, what is the dealer going to say when he sees engine mods like an air intake that he can say are responsible for the BHG?

Look at any brand new car's warranty and see how many pitfalls are built in to limit how much the dealer would actually have to pay if shit went south. It is amazing how they can weasel their way out because the way you interpret the warranty differs from how their lawyers do.

And lastly, any dealer that charges for warranties is in the business of selling warranties, not cars. What if they go under in 2 years? What if they barred driving it hard like at autocrosses and you blew the hg there? And what kind of deductible did they say? If you have any lawyer friends now is the time to ask them


cwapface said:
man that warranty sounds great until you try and get them to pay for something. Read it line by line and note that they will try and find every reason possible not to pay you.

Why would a dealer give you a car and guarantee it working no matter what motor you stick in or who does the work? You say you can get your HG replaced as many times as you want, what is the dealer going to say when he sees engine mods like an air intake that he can say are responsible for the BHG?

Look at any brand new car's warranty and see how many pitfalls are built in to limit how much the dealer would actually have to pay if shit went south. It is amazing how they can weasel their way out because the way you interpret the warranty differs from how their lawyers do.

And lastly, any dealer that charges for warranties is in the business of selling warranties, not cars. What if they go under in 2 years? What if they barred driving it hard like at autocrosses and you blew the hg there? And what kind of deductible did they say? If you have any lawyer friends now is the time to ask them

I bought the car from a private owner, and then on my own purchased an aftermarket warranty. Everyone agrees the price is a bit steep, but those who've blown several HG's or worse, had to have their heads machined/replaced know that $1k is a drop in the bucket. I've gone through the contract with a fine tooth comb (and highlighter). Contract law is one of my specialties. It's good enough. It covers seals/gaskets and various other powertrain components like tranny and whatnot. The only parts not covered are aftermarket parts. For instance, it covers a stock HG, but not a metal one. I have been quoted less on a similar warranty ($798), but that company did not offer financing. Currently I put 30% down on $1000, and pay 12 monthly interest free installments. So, say 4 months from now, I blow a HG, I've paid $322 for a $1400 repair job. Not bad. Sure I could pay for the warranty in cash, but it makes more since (at 0 interest) to drag it out.