fan and fan shoud?


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
You might get lucky and find one at a junkyard,if it has not been raided already. Once in awhile,you'll see them on eBay going from anywhere from $47 - $160.
Currently I am working on a all aluminum replacement that will fit as a direct replacement. Right now the design is for 2 electric fans vs the stocker.


T-virus infected
kwnate said:
Dont be a dick. There is no need for that comment. :3d_frown:

Nick isn't being a dick. Just asking a simple question. I too think about this same question everytime someone posts a thread asking something similar but when someone does ask it; it turns into a flame war and such. Sure its an old car and people would think maybe things are cheap but how many do you actually see cruisin the road? Think of it as a Lexus. Nothings cheap.

Now try Jay marks like the above stated.(real good people)
Or hit up the local salvage yards maybe ebay or the for sale section.
good luck!


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
Justin727 said:
Nick isn't being a dick. Just asking a simple question. I too think about this same question everytime someone posts a thread asking something similar but when someone does ask it; it turns into a flame war and such. Sure its an old car and people would think maybe things are cheap but how many do you actually see cruisin the road? Think of it as a Lexus. Nothings cheap.

He is a teenager, and has a car that expensive to maintain. He knows that, the majority of people here are on a budget. Just because he can't afford to throw down 5 grand to rebuild his car now does not mean that he shouldn't have the car and is no reason to be critical of him. He asked a very easy question that in no way deserved that smart ass response. If you just want to be a dick, go to supraforums...


T-virus infected
this is why I rarely reply to any post these days. Mainly because things can be taken so out of proportion. When I first got into the supra scene I was 17. I asked stupid questions as well but none asking about where to find cheaper items. I searched ebay and all over before asking a question of pricing on items. Some people replied where others took offense and I didnt. I replied with an answer followed by a question. this internet stuff is so easily taking out of hand. I see dr jonez for example making a comment that normally comming from someone else would be taking offense to but since everyone knows him they know he doesnt mean harm. I've read Nicks post over the years and he doesnt mean no harm. Funny thing is he has nothing to do with SF's and I'm between here and other forums every day. I'm not an ass by far am I?


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
No you are not an ass. Many times I have started to post and then decided to just leave it. May be I should have this time... The comment seemed unfair and unneeded. Sometimes its better to just move on than to say something rude. As for well known people like dr jonez, it still is not needed IMO. I'm sure the people that know it all don't like answering stupid questions and should just refrain from it...