Engineering Career Advice... HELP?!

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Hey guys and gals, I seek your advice.

I recently graduated with a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. WooHoo! I am now trying to secure an engineering job in Colorado (and have been all spring/summer). I am having absolutely zero luck. Countless resume submissions, most with a cover letter as well and no interviews, no call backs, not even email responses. Ab-so-fucking-lutely nothing.

I am at my wits end. 3.2 GPA, finished in 4 years so I could finish with as little debt as possible and start making real money and I can't find an engineering job. I work full time now, and can pay my bills ok for now... barely.

I want to stay local so I dont have to pay rent is two places for the next 10 months, but that is really my only restriction. I am fine with any field or discipline, though my formal education/experience is limited to mechanical.

I am having a VERY difficult time finding any listings for "entry level" positions. I am a fresh college grad, so I don't have 1-4 years experience that almost all so-called "entry level" jobs that I can find require.

Does anyone know of a good entry level search engine or job posting website? How should I be finding jobs that I am qualified for? I currently use Monster, craiglist and my school career services.

Anyone recently go through a similar process?

Thanks for your input!
