Engine starts, runs, stops


Brigadier General
Man, two threads in one day. I dought this has anything to do with that water temp sensor that i broke but... here goes...

Just as the title says, i start it up, the RPMs rise, and then RPMs fall and die. It sounds like it runs on its own for maybe a second or two and then just dies.

Sounds like an idle valve problem to me. Anyway, anyone else every expierence this? I need desprate help, i need to get this thing somewhere in 2 hours. Any help is apprecited.


Brigadier General
codes.. YEAH! I just checked, the check light didnt go out while it was "starting up" let me see... what were those 2 jumpers to connect to get the engine code..... (googling)

IJ. said:
Pull it then plug it back in a few times.

Do you know anyone local with a car you can borrow and try parts from?
<edit> forgot to ask any codes?


May 3, 2005
that could cause it to run pig rich..but id think it would still run just poorly. it almost sounds like it may be to little fuel pressure.