Engine harness question


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
As far as auto vs manual, yes. You can use an auto harness in a manual car but you cannot use a manual harness in an auto car.

As far as the years go yes if its a grey plug. They switched from yellow plug to grey plug in 89 but some of the early 89s got the yellow plugs. If its a yellow plug, you can take the body plugs from a 89+ harness and repin your yellow plug body plugs to the grey plugs, and use a pre89 ecu. An advantage to the yellow plugs is if you ever want to go AEM EMS down the road, the yellow plug version is $500 less. I had a brand new yellow plug harness for this reason but sold it to another lucky member here.