engine ground strap


New Member
Oh, here is the problem. I did my clutch this weekend and now that i have a new one in, my car will not start and when it does it only runs on cylinders, no. 1, 2 and 3 the last three will not fire. Also there are 2 ground straps that i took off when i pulled the trans out, (w58) and I am not sure if I have them back in the right place. I put one on the trans bell housing, by the drivers side above the slave and the other on the trans brace under the car. If these are no in the right place will it cause my car not to start or run properly.... Please help if any one has any pics of where they are supposed to go that will be helpful., Thank you


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Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 29, 2008
Coon Rapids, MN
Since you seem to be N/A you might check out the distributor cap for oil/water intrusion as well as making sure the plugs aren't worn out. I'd suspect that before a grounding issue.

There are a bunch of ground straps around the engine and trans.
1 really big one (~4-6awg) going from the block to the battery terminal, bolts near the J-tube on the block (this is the main ground connection that flows current for the starter)
1 smaller (~14awg) on the top of the head going to the firewall near the water valve
2 smaller ones on the trans going to the body one near the tailhousing and one near the bellhousing
There are also sensor/ecu grounds connected to the intake manifold, from the wire harness.

Not sure if any of these would make the engine misfire on 3 cyls, but its worth a check. I have no pics, my engine is out and disassembled :(